Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Cali Girl

Audrey's POV

Mom woke me and Drake up early at 5:00 so we could finish packing.

We had to board the plane 6:00 so we tried to get everything done quickly. The moving truck got here around 5:30. These guys looked really strong. They started to haul my matress and and Drakes Matress. They didnt look that heavy even though our beds were queen sized. Then they went to the living room and kitchen and other places. We carried our boxes out to the truck.

I went back inside and out to our backyard. I looked at moms flowers she had grown a LONG time ago. I put my hands into my pockets as I looked around the rest of the yard. I turned back to moms plants and looked at the picture.

I was standing right where me and the blonde haired boy took this picture.


"Say cheese" some blonde haired lady said

"Chesse" me and the boy say

"We're gonna be best friends forever right?" I asked the boy

"Totally" he answered back.

"Till the End.."

*Back to Present*

I gasped as if I was in need of air.

I put my hands up to my forehead and and held them there and pushed my hair back as if I was going crazy.


"You said we were gonna be best friends forever" I yelled at the blonde boy

we were much older than we were when we were taking the picture.

"We can still be friends though, I'll never forget you" the boy told me as he pulled me into a hug

"You won't remember me, how much you want to bet when I'm 16 we'll find these picture and won't even know who we are" I said really upset I waved the picture of us as kids in his face.

"I know, I know.. curse this 2007 year" he answered back looking at the ground.

He grabbed my hand and put a silver bracelet on my wrist that said ' Ross's Girl ' engraved on it.

He pulled me into a kiss. His lips so soft and smooth. Then wispered into my ear.

"I love you Audrey"

*Back to Present*

I turned around and looked at the house next door and stared into the back yard. That's where the memory was.

A tear escaped my eye. Coward, I told myself.

"Audrey!!" I turned around all jumpy and saw that it was Drake.

"Coming" I told him sniffling.

As we boarded our airplane I got the window seat and Drake sat in the outside leaving the middle seat open and empty.

I put my neon yellow and blue beats on and started listening to R5.

I stared down out the window looking at all the green down below. I waved saying "Bye Colorado"

I fell asleep for about an hour or 2 until Drake pulled my head phones off and said "Earth to Audrey!!"

"What?" I asked.

"Your phone keeps buzzing" he told me.

I picked up my iPhone and saw I had 10 texts from Emily

From Emily:

Hey I miss you already, text me when you land or get time in the plane or just whatever lol

From Emily:

I'm bored can you please answer

From Emily:

let me guess your sleeping with your beats on blasting R5 through your ear drums

I laughed at the last one.

To Emily:

Hahaha very funny, an yes I was.

I'm still on the plane the captain just said we'll be landing in 30-40 minutes

IKR I miss you too

I hope you can visit sometime

Emily didn't text back.

Time flew by fast....

The captain spoke again "We'll be landing in Los Angeles, California. In 10 minutes."

I was so excited, I was just so happy.

I was SO happy that I was bouncing up and down in my seat.

"Calm down you spaz" Drake said.

"Fine," I said. "I'll sing"

"NO" he yelled at me

I started to sing "Cali Girls" by R5. Drake was covering his ears.

The flight attendant saw me happy and singing and she smiled at me. She disappeared into the front of the plane. I was so shocked because Cali Girls just started playing on the radio, I saw that she came back and waved at me. I mouthed thank you to her and she gave me a thumbs up.

I was bobbing my head side to side to the beat of the song.

We finally landed in California and entered the airport.

I started screaming out Cali Girls and I didn't care how may people stared. I was dancing around so weird and crazy and I had a giant smile across my face and then a guy gave me 5 bucks. I still had a giant smile across my face as he stared into my eyes and smiled crookedly at me.

I couldn't see what he looked like but I could see that he had blonde hair. He looked my age. He was wearing a black beanie and yellow neon glasses with a hollister shirt and ripped boys skinny jeans and yellow converse.

He looked really cute and really familiar. My eyes followed him as he ran over to some other teens that were also wearing beanies and glasses. They all went into a group hug with two older people. Those must be his parents, I guess.

I kept dancing around as we left the airport and rented a car. When we got in the car I was sill bouncing off the walls.

The moving van was already there when we got to our new house. This house was BIG. Atleast it was bigger than the previous one we we're living under.

I started to sing 'Loud' as I kept going back and forth taking my boxes inside and helping Drake with his.

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