Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: *Beep Beep*, Drama Alert

Audrey's POV

My mind was blank. Honestly I had no idea who this girl is, but the boys had a look on their faces saying that they did.
"I can't believe our here!!" Ryland yelled excitedly as he ran up to the girl.
She had straight brown hair with black highlights, and glasses like Rikers. She was wearing black and white tye-die (or how ever you spell it) short shorts with a lace shirt that had a panda on the front that said Hi and on the back the panda had fallen over and said Bye.
The boys went and gave her hug, even Ross. Everybody pulled away.
"I just flew in and I called Mark and he came and picked me up" the girl said.
"So that's why I couldn't find him" Rocky said.
I playfully pushed his face away.
"Oh, Audrey, this is my girlfriend, Hanna. Hanna this is Ross' girlfriend, Audrey."
I shyly waved. She was pretty. Prettier than me.
"Hi Audrey" Hanna said waving at me.
The best I got was to a smile.
"Hanna our team of girls is odd! if you join then it'll make it work." Megan said draping her shoulder around me.
"But then we still need 2 more players, cause they got Ryland and Drake." Rydel said pointing at the boys.
Ross started pivoting back and forth walking and walking around in a mini circle. Riker followed his actions.
Riker then nudged Ross and moved his head up a bit. Like you wre saying sup.
Ross followed his gaze, and so did I.
Ross smiled.
I walked over to Ross and stomped on his foot and ran away.
"Audrey what was that for," I heard Ross as I ran. "Babe where are you going?"
I ran to the tour bus, and of fucking coarse, it was fucking locked.
I ran to the other side of the bus and sat down against the wall of it.
I didn't cry.
There was no reason to. I just sat there and pouted.
I heard someone's foot steps squish on the gravel. I didn't know who it was, but someone was standing by me.
I gave them the finger, and them crossed my arms again.
"Why are you acting like this?" It was Riker.
"You and Ross" I mumbled.
"What about us?"
"You guys were gonna pick up those girls, I just know it."
"One, you've been reading the outsiders way too much, and two, Ross would never cheat on you. We were looking for two other girls to play with us."
"Yeah but those girls would have been all over Ross, and he would flirt back."
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss on my cheek. This wasnt wrong. It was a family, loving, caring kiss.
I gave him a big hug back. "Thank you Riker, I love you"
"Well I love you too"

Drakes POV

Audrey's just stomped on Ross' foot and ran off. She didn't look too happy.
Ross rolled his eyes and ran off to the playground.
"What was that about?" Hanna asked.
"I'll go get her" Riker said jogging off in Audrey's direction.
Everone just basically sat in a circle waiting for the two to come back. They were gone for only a minute, but I felt like something wasn't right.
I got up and started pacing in the direction they went off to.
"Where you going Drake?" Megan asked.
"Thats none of your bees-guts" I answered back still walking.
"Drake" I heard Ellington called out.
I turned around. "What Rat?"
"Where are you going?"
"To the bathroom" I simply answered.
He shrugged his shoulders and turned around and walked off again.
I made it to the bus and went around the corner. I heard talking. I saw Riker and Audrey sitting down.
I backed up a bit so they didn't see me, but continued to listen.
"Thank you Riker, I love you" I heard Audrey say.
"Well I love you too" I heard Riker say.
My eyes popped out of my head and I started hiperventalating. Audrey was cheating on Ross with his own brother.
I shook my head and started running off. No this isnt true. Ross is so gonna be pissed. But I don't wanna loose my friends because of my dumb retard sister.
I ran in a different direction, so my family and friends wouldn't see me. I ran towards the playground.
I ran around the corner of the food house thing. I ran into somebody. I grasped onto their shirt, so I wouldn't fall.
I let go and looked up to see Rocky. I ran at him again and have him a big hug.
And I cried.

Authors Notes

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I made myself cry when I was writing Drakes POV

Whats gonna happen next?
Who knows?

More suprises will still be coming in the next 2-3 chapters.

Im glad we made it so far with 6,500 something reads!!

I wuvs you guys, stay crazy <3

<3 R5 <3

We Have Bonded (Ross Lynch Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora