Chapter 82

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Chapter 82: There's Nothing Left.

Ross' POV

In shock, Ratliff spoke up. "What?"

Riker and Dad nodded in sync.

Rocky stood up. "This can't be. This seriously can't be happening. Our lives are nothing without eachother."

I stood up beside Rocky in disagreement. "I agree with Rocky. This is insane!"

"Im sorry. It's what has to be done. You now have a baby, which everyone will participate to help with, and it's just too distracting from music." Dad said with a half smile.

"I can do it. I don't see a problem. I don't want our music privallege to be snatched away from the whole family because of me."

Riker out his hand on my shoulder. "Ross you can't feed a baby and get loud at the same time."

I looked around the room, at the broken faces.

R5 is what kept us together. It's what kept us close. Now we're just...... done? Moving on?

My heart was torn to pieces and left to never be repaired sense Audrey's passing, but now,..... I have no heart.

There's nothing left.

The love of my life and my music have been snatched from my grasped... in one day.....

What. The fuck?

"Well.... I'm gonna go guys." Skylar said standing up. "I hope you guys work all your problems out."

She smiled at me softly and I gave her a hug. "Take care Ross."

I smiled. "You too, Skylar."

Skylar opened the door and was about to walk out.

"CALL ME!!" Rocky shouted making the phone thing with his fingers.

Skylar laughed and disappeared out the door.

I didn't see her after that.

I decided to walk to the beach that day, just to clear up my mind.

I sat in the sand and took my necklace off, the one Audrey gave me on our first date. It also had her ring on it. I don't even recall her giving it back to me.

I stared at my necklace with the ring on it for a moment before I chucked it out to the sea. Never to see again.

It was just to painful to hold onto.

The next day we moved Rebecca's bassanett and baby stuff into Rydels bedroom and Rydel was going to handle Rebecca's night fits, as she offered. Mom and Dad also bought a golden brown, wooden rocking chair. Also putting that in the corner of Rydels room.

I sat in the rocking chair, Rockin back and fourth and cradling Rebecca as I fed her her bottle.

When she finished, I put her down for her nap and I sat back down in the chair.

I stayed here basically all day. Not moving unless Rebecca fussed, which was rare sense she slept all day. Not eating, or drinking.

I also slept in this wooden rocking chair.

This ccontinued for days and Rydel was starting to get worried majorly.

"Ross you have to eat something. Say something!" She bent down in front of me to meet my eye level.

I blinked. No answer.

She nodded and stood back up and exited her pink bedroom.

I licked my dry lips and shifted to a new position in the chair.

I was too depressed. I didn't want to do anything.

And that's what I did exactly.


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