Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Good News and Bad News

Audrey's POV

My alarm went off playing "Loud" to the band you already know I'm obsessed with.

Swinging my legs over the edge after taking the comforter off of my body, I got out bed and hit the snooze button with my fist. I picked out some clothes from my closet and placed them on my bed where they would be waiting for me once I get out of the shower. A light brown belt that would rap through the loops of my light blue skinny jeans with a few rips above the knees, a white hollister t-shirt, and light blue converse. Before skipping out of the room I relooked my outfit with a smile.

"Cold floor!! Cold floor!!" I whisper shouted as I went out into the hallway. I took a left and turned into the bathroom where I closed, and locked, the door.

I turned the handle in the shower and held my hand under the water until I felt satisfied with the heat, then pulled up on the peg so the water could fly out of the shower head. I took off my clothes and tossed them in the hamper, then stepped into the warm rain while closing the shower curtains.

I started to sing "My Confession" by R5 loudly in the shower. The bathroom is right next to Drake's room, so I must have given him a wake up call. A big bang to my right of the shower wall erupted and scared me, causing me to almost slip.

Minutes later, I reached out from the curtain and grabbed a towel from the rack, and wrapped myself in it. I stepped over and out to grab another towel and wrap my hair up in it.

I opened the bathroom door, letting all the steam out, and got a cold breeze that whipped my exposed skin. I hurried into my room and closed the door and, unexpectedly, my towel that wrapped my body fell down. Oops. I picked it up and dried myself off, starting with my legs.

After I got dressed and brushed my hair, I went down to have breakfast. Nobody was down stairs yet, especially mom and dad. They both worked at the same business, and they didn't make much money because, well, it 's Colorado business.

I started preparing breakfast and soon Drake came downstairs. He must've taken a quick shower cause his bushy hair was flat; today was his first day of eighth grade.

"Can you help me with the gel?" Drake asked me.

"Sure bro." I replied.

I did his hair how Ross Lynch would do it and it looked so cute.

I washed my hands and cooked some breakfast for me and Drake. It was now 7:00 and the bus comes around 7:10. I would drive there but my drivers test isn't till next week, so no license yet. But then it would be much easier for me and especially Drake. Sometimes kids on the bus call him Ross Lynch and girls attack him an he doesn't like it.

There was this one time in 7th grade where all of the girls in his class mistaked him for Ross Lynch. I thought it was funny I was sitting a few lunch tables away and I was watching him get attacked by girls and he was running around the cafeteria saying "HELP ME!!!!" and then ignored me for a week.

The bus beeped out front and we grabbed our stuff and ran outside. I locked the door and off to the first day.

When I got on the bus I sat next to Emily. She was wearing flare pants with her black converse and an Aeropostale swet shirt. Her dark brown hair was wet from a shower this morning.

We talked about our summer and how it was. But I didn't mention the picture my mom had found and the story behind it. It's bad enough when she teases me about liking R5 let alone that I was friends with a celebrity and I liked him.

But I still didn't believe that it was Ross Lynch. So ya, it was the best to not bring it up in conversation.

~ *Later that Day* ~

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