Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Cliche

Audrey's POV

Still on the road, and I've basically lost my mind and lost track of time. The house are driving me off a cliff. No seriously. Mark had to use the bathroom so he told Rocky to drive. Rocky had ate 4 waffles, 10 dum dum suckers, and a package of skittles. Along with 2 glasses if Sunny-D. This kid was sugar high. He literally almost drove us off a mountain, cause we were driving on a highway on a mountain and almost drove us of the cliff. That's when Riker saved us all and we didn't die.

Later on, Rocky puked up everythin he ate.

Then Rocky and Ross were jumping bunk to bunk while I was reading on the floor, leaning against the bunks.

So Ross slipped and dropped onto the floor on my legs. Ouch.

Then we were all in the back for a rehearsal. I swear, I thought these rehearsals would have been more.... Whats the word.... efficient, proper, mature.

Uh. No.

Ratliff was pretending to pole dance with his drumstick and then Rocky was standing on the couch twerking.

"Sit your ass down you twerking god!!" I yelled as I was reading my book.

I was reading Romeo and Juliet that I found in Ross' tour bag.

We're all up on the front of the bus, and everybody was cracking jokes. I finally finished Romeo and Juliet, so I moved onto another book I found in Ross' bag, The Outsiders.

I was at the point where Ponyboy was describing a character named Two-Bit, always cracking jokes.

Rocky said something that made everybody's face to read and tears in their eyes.

Then my brother got up on the table and started dancing and everybody was cheering him on oh so stupidly.

I was standing in the middle of Ross and Rocky. Rocky was on my right, and Ross was on my left.

"Drake you're gonna fall and then I'm gonna laugh" Rocky said with a smart tone and a grin on his face.

"Ok wise ol' Two-Bit" I told Rocky. I just realized how much trouble Rocky can cause on this bus. He must have "On The Road" sickness.

"Oh I see you've reading The Outsiders, good book" Riker said wiping his teers away.

Then all of a sudden the bus jerked forward. Drake fell off the table and fell in his face, landing on the floor of the aisle.

I jerked forward cat hint my self on Rockys shirt. But I grasped on and fell, taking Rocky with me.

I fell next to Drake and Rocky was ontop of me, SO close to kissing me.

Why couldn't we jerk the opposite direction, so I could fall and kiss Ross.

Ross and Riker helped Rocky off of me and then Ross grabbed me by the hand and helped me.

I hate when stuff like that happens.

How fucking cliche.

*~2 Hours Later~*

It was dark outside and was 6:46. I rolled off the bunk.

Bad mistake.

I forgot I was on the very top bunk. So I just rolled off a bunk and fell a good 13 feet.

I rubbed my head and got up, walking to the back of the bus. Megan was passed out in her bunk, and drake was supposevly with Ratliff. Where ever Ratliff is, Drake is there two.

I heard Ross singing.

"We could do what you wanna do, what ya do, baby we can do better. Ain't No Way Were Goin Home, so come on, LET'S GO, come on, LET'S GO!"

I smiled and went to the bathroom. When I was just walking out if the bathroom, Mark yelled, "WE'RE IN PORTLAND!!"

R5 came running out of the room, and down the aisle to the front of the bus, pushing me back into the bathroom.

I stumbled backwards, falling in my butt, and my back hitting the wall.

Ross peeked his head into the doorway of the bathroom. "Sorry about that babe." and he held his hand out for me to grasp.

I draped my arm around his shoulders as we stood at the front of the bus and pulled into a hotel.

"Hey Mark, this is quite fancy, can you afford this?" I asked looking at the large building.

Rydel came back from the back of the bus with beanies and glasses. She handed them out to everybody but me.

Ross and I were the last in the group, so everybody boarded off but us. Ross placed the black Louder beanie on my bad and his neon yellow glasses on me.

His glasses had black frames and neon yellow stems and he wore a blue beanie.

We intertwined our fingers and walked off, following the rest of the family.

Everybody was dissguised with beanies and glasses.

Riker had his bangs pushed back so know girl could see, Rydel had her hair up in a bun and hidden in her beanie, Ratliff was wearing a women's curly brown wig, Rocky pulled his hair into a little pony tail and hid it in his beanie.

Ross had clipped his little bangs back with the bobby pins I gave him and hid it in his beanie. I just draped my hair over my shoulders and had the average look of beanies and sunglasses. So did Drake and Megan.

We walked into the front enterance of the hotel and up to the main desk.

"Lynch, Mark" Mark whispered to the lady at the desk. She gave us a funny look like she didnt believe him. Everybody, except Megan, my brother, and me, moved their glasses down to reveal their eyes.

Her eyes went wide and said "S-sure thing. Security will be here to escort you to your room."

"Thank you" Riker said.

I heard her sigh in a love struck way.

We walked out to the tour bus and got our bags. When we went back inside the hotel, there were two guys waiting for us that had black shirts on that said 'SECURITY' across it in big white letters.

Ross took off his beanie and took the bobby pins out and handed them to me. He ran his fingers through his hair and fixed it up, and so did Rocky and Riker, but left their sunglasses on. Rydel took off her beanie, leaving her hair in a bun.

"LOOK IT'S R5!!!!!!" some girl shouted from the lobby while we were making our way to the elevator.

We looked behind us, seeing a mob of girls and a few boys running at us. The security guards guarded with Mark while we sprinted to the elevator.

"Come on, come on!!" Drake said pressing the up button of the elevator multiple times.

*Ding* and we ran in. Rocky pressed the 32 button and the elevator took us up to the 32nd floor.

We found our rooms and unpacked, settling in. I share a room with Ross and Megan and Rydel, Riker shares a room with Drake and Rocky and Mark.

I got dressed into my PJs and dived into bed with Ross snuggling with me. Rydel was gonna share a bed with Megan.

I cuddled into Ross' warm and muscular, bare chest and started to drift off into a slumber.

"Tomorrow. Me, you, football." I heard Ross say.

I smiled and fell asleep.


Authors Note

This chapter was long, i know

and I know I can't keep a promise on updates but I hope you enjoyed it.

Um, nothing much to say for this authors note

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Stay Crazy <3

<3 R5 <3


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