Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: Why Me?

Drakes POV

I decided to take a walk through the acres of land that our family owned.
I slipped on my black converse Audrey had bought me and I put on my leather jacket.
I was about to walk out the door but I was stopped by my sister.
"Hey where you going Mini Ross?" Megan asked.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just because I look like him doesn't mean you have to call me that."
She put a pair of sunglasses on my face and looked at me.
"Yeah.....Now I do." She laughed.
I looked in a near by mirror on the wall, and I gotta say, I did look like Ross Lynch.
The sunglasses were the same pair as Ross'. The ones he had in Teen Beach Movie for 'Cruisin' For A Brusin''.
"So where you goin?" She asked.
"For a walk. Wanna join Nancy Drew?" I asked sarcastically.
"Shor. Why not?"
She grabbed her gray Aeropostale swear shirt and put on Audrey's pair of black converse.
"Lets go!" Megan said enthusiastically.
"You know. If Audrey find out you're wearing her favorite black converse, she's gonna flip tables."
"Like you, that day on the tour bus." She come backed.
I remember wen I was dancing on the table on R5s tour bus and then flew off because Mark stepped on the brake.
I chuckled and walked out the door with Megan on my heels.
It seemed like days, but was only 10 minutes. We kept on walking over snowy logs, and snow banks. Megan stepped, watch she thought was a log, on a deep frozen puddle and soaked Audrey's new shoes.
"I'm tellin ya, she's gonna flip." I laughed as I continued to walk.
I was then shoved into snowy pine tree, and all snow fell on me.
I made my way out of the line needles and saw Megan laughing and trying not to piss herself.
"L-Lets go!" She laughed as we started walking ago.
Another 5 minutes later, some how, we ended up at the country club. We walked up to the rink and a hockey game was going on.
"Lets go watch." I said nudging my sister with my shoulder.
We went up to the thin ice and leaned over the rail that went around the rink.
They yelled at eachother calling out next plays and points. Hockey is fun, and my favorite sport. I'll never get on a snowboard like Audrey.
I'm a wussy with a p.
"Ross! Go right, Riker go left, I got Ellington!" One of the players called out.
The voices sounded very familiar, but were like I've never heard them before.
Megan playfully punched me and pulled me away from the rails.
"What?" I hissed.
"Did you know Ross and his family were here?!" She asked worried.
Thats why the voices were so familiar. "No."
"Do you think Audrey knows?"
"I hope not. She's proably heart broken."
"Last night she was crying her heart out. Like her heart just stopped and she was struggling for her life back. If you actually think about it, it's very scary."
"So maybe she does know."
"I don't know, but if I know Au-"
"Audrey!" Someome yelled cutting Megan off.
I looked at Megan confused and she did the same. We walked bak over to the rail and watched Rkss skate over to Audrey and Alice, who was hiding behind Audrey.
Alice doesn't like teenagers. Especially strangers.
"Ross go away! I told you I don't want to talk to you and I won't forgive you so don't even try!" I heard Audrey yell.
Yep. She defiantely knew.
She scooped up Alice bridal style and skated off.
Ross skated back over to Rocky and everybody.
"I need her back guys. She's not talking to me, and she won't forgive me. I need her back. She my everything." Ross said as he played with shredded ice on the rink with his skate.
"Ross, when we go off to tour, how are you gonna make through all of this?" Riker asked leaning on Rockys shoulder.
"Thats the problem, duh Riker."
Rydel skated over with a little boy with a moose hat on, and was all smiles like she usually is.
"What's going in guys?" Rydel asked.
"Oh nothin much, Ross just ran into Audrey and he got his ass handed to him." Riker said rubbing Ross' hair and messing it all up.
"That's...... always fun. But Ross you are hanging by one hand on crumbling cliff, how are you gonna get her back?"
Ross ran his hands down his face and threw his hockey stick across the ice, making Ratliff not see it and trip over it while he was skating.
"That hurt!" Ratliff yelled playfully.
Everyone chuckled, including Megan and I.
Ryland skated over and helped Ellington up, then pulled him to the group.
"I couldn't help but overhear your convo Ross," Ryland said sneekishly. "Why don't you just go up to her aunts house where she's staying and play One Last Dance on her balcony?"
"Thats actually a good idea." Rocky pointed out.
"Yeah it is." Rydel agreed.
"Three things RyRy..... How do I get up to the balcony? How do I get up there with the guitar in grasp? and haha, three," Ross paused and stepped to his brothers side wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "How in the hell do you know she has a balcony?!?!"
Everyone laughed and we couldn't help but laugh either. But seriously how did Ryland know.
"Ross?" Rocky said.
"Wha?" He said looking at Rocky.
"It's called a guitar strap. Yenno that thing you wrap around your shoulder and back so you don't have to carry it."
Ross dropped his shoulders at his stupidity and everyone pointed and laughed at him.
"Come on," Riker said. "Lets finish our game."
and they skated off.
"So he's gonna visit mine and Audrey's room tonight?" Megan asked.
I ran my fingers through my hair stressfully. "I guess so. Thats what they said."
"Remind to get dressed in the bathroom tonight"
I laughed to myself and we starts making our way back through the woods trying to dodge frozen puddles and falling snow from line trees.
Yea that was impossible for us. We're brother and sister, we obviously did crazy stuff.

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