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Somewhere in America, Rosalia was throwing and breaking everything around her while screaming and crying. No one there was able to control her. They didn't know how to console her as she lost the only person in her life, her dad. She was going crazy not being able to tolerate the loss.

" Ms. Richard." A guy called her from the door. Not wanting to come inside without her permission.

" What? Who are you?" Rosalia shouted.

" I work for your father. I was in that mission with him."

" What the fuck will I do with that information? Can you bring my dad to me? No right? Then get the hell out of here!" She screamed crying.

" I'm sorry for your loss Ms. Richard. But I need to show you something. I know it'll be useful to you."

" I don't want to see anything. Get out!" Rosalia shouted again and started throwing things.

" It's a video footage of what happened to your dad there Ms. Richard."

That's when Rosalia stopped and looked at the man. He nodded assuring that he was saying the truth.

" Show it to me!" Rosalia said coldly.

That man went near her and played the video on his tab showing her. Rosalia watched the whole video curling her fist. The whole incident was recorded in it.

" Dad" She whispered crying when Aurora emptied her gun shooting him.

" Isn't it Ana?" She asked pointing at Antonia.

" She is Antonia Ms. Richard. Your sister."

" Yeah. Her nickname was Ana and mine Rosa. How can she hurt her own dad? How can she witness her own dads death without any remorse?" Rosalia asked angrily.

" She is now UNDOCILEs right hand and Venoms adopted sister."

" Venom! For her I couldn't even meet my dad for the last time! I'll not spare her! She will suffer way more pain than me." Rosalia said darkly.

" What do you wanna do?"

" I'll snatch everything from her. Her audacity to think no one can steal Charlie Zaffino for her huh? I'll kill her and snatch her throne, her group, her people and most importantly Charlie from her. She will be left out with nothing." Rosalia said smirking.

" It won't be easy Ms. Richard. You have seen how tactfully she has played your dad. You need a well organized plan and enough skill to bring her down."

" I don't need your lecture now. I'm not in a mood for all these."

" I'm here to help."

" Did I ask for it? Thank you for this video. You can go now. It's my revenge, I'll seek it by hook or crook."

" I have a revenge to take too Ms. Richard. Why not work together when we have the same motive? I can help you with information and the skills you will be needed."

" Why do you want revenge from them?"

That man explained his side story to Rosalia.

" Let's do it together then. It's time to show Aurora Mariano that not everything is meant to be hers and she can't get away after making me suffer this much." Rosalia said smirking.That man smirked too.

" We are in this together then." He said extending his hand for a shake. Rosalia shook hands while nodding.

" Just live peaceful life some days more Aurora. Your death will be knocking at the door soon. This time your opponent will be Rosalia Richard. I will not let you win at any cost." Rosalia said with determination.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now