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" How did you get to know my shipments are coming? From that informer you send with Dominic right? Do you know how did he get to know that?" Aurora asked chuckling.

"He heard the conversation of your members. They were talking about it while drinking." Ronald said looking confused. Everyone were listening to their words carefully.

" Why do you think my men were suddenly talking about shipments when me and my group already knew there was an informer there?" Aurora asked smirking.

Ronald looked at her being shocked understanding he has been played. Aurora smirked again. "Right! I have asked them to do so. Just to move your concentrate on my shipments. I even sent 100 members just to make you think this shipments are very important to me."

"Of course they are. They are the latest models. You are fooling me now!" Ronald said.

Aurora chuckled hearing his words. "Yeah they are latest weapons Richard. You must have tested them with your men haven't you?"

"Yes. They were working fine then. I can't understand why they stopped working." Ronald said.

" Because they are weapons with sensors Richard. They have stopped working as soon as they have sensed my presence." Aurora said smirking. Everyone became shocked hearing that. Even Antonia didn't know that.

"You are just saying rubbish things."

"You have seen yourself. You can go out. Your other men are lying down dead too for this reason. I knew you will use my weapons as bringing so many weapons from America is quite impossible. So I planned and wasted a little money to make you use my weapons Richard." Aurora said winking at him. Others felt proud seeing her.

Ronald glared at her. "It's your loss Venom. You have lost your men and weapons." He scoffed.

"Well, I didn't think you will kidnap my men too. That's a disadvantage I got for you. But about the weapons, I have lost nothing Richard." Aurora said folding her arms.

"What do you mean?" Richard asked.

"I meant that day my actual weapons and machines reached too and those are in safe place now. In the government shelter. Unlike you, I have government support Richard. So all I have lost is some money. I can do this much for you." Aurora said chuckling. Everyone tied there were getting impressed more by her tactics.

"What about your men then? Wanna know a thing Venom? The people you have killed are not only mine, there were yours ones too. You feel so proud of the fact that you always protect your members.. But what about today? You have killed them on your own. How will you show your face to their families?" He said smirking.

The smile on Auroras face faltered. Ronald smirked more thinking she has got scared.

" You couldn't save them today rather you have killed them yourself. You know how proud they were of you? They even promised that you will defeat me and save them. But what you did Venom?" Ronald said tilting his head while grinning evilly.

Aurora didn't say anything. Others felt scared seeing her quietness.

"What now Venom? How will you survive after killing your own people who were loyal to you even before they died? They even said they are prepared to give up on their lives for you. But look what you did to them? Only because of their family members they accepted to kidnap the heirs. They didn't even betray you but you killed them. You are a failure as their Queen." Ronald said to trigger Aurora.

Everyone there felt Aurora would be triggered hearing all these. But Aurora started laughing loudly and that made others hella confused including Ronald. "Have you gone mad? Why are you laughing?" Ronald asked.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now