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Aurora held her dads hand tightly seeing the scene in front of her. She trembled feeling what she was going to face in that camp in front of her. It looked like a jail rather than a training camp.

" Are you scared angel? Should we go back? You can still change your decision. You don't have to pressurize yourself dear." Mr. Mariano said looking at her with concern.

Aurora looked up to him and tried to smile.

" I'll do what I have decided dad. Just keep faith in me. I'll try my best."

Mr. Mariano smiled. He knew how determined his daughter was. But he was concerned for her because he knew how terrifying that training was going to be. He knew how strict the master was.

" I trust you angel. I know you will come out as the best version of yourself. Don't ever give up okay?"

Aurora nodded smiling. But deep down she was scared too. She never liked any kind of violence, blood, weapons. But now she was going to do it. She didn't know what more she was going to face. But she prayed to God that she got out of this hell being fine. Only if she knew her whole existence was going to change, that little girl was going to face the harsh cruel world and her whole appearance was going to change.

Mr. Mariano and Aurora went inside the camp. A man took them to the master.

" Good morning master." Mr. Mariano said bowing.

" Good morning Emperor. Are you here to see how the boys are improving?"

Aurora knew about the boys. She was more scared as she was going to be the only girl in the camp.

" No master. I'm here with my daughter. I want you to train her." Mr. Mariano look at his side and Aurora got out of his behind and looked at the master.

The masters facial expression hardened.

" Good morning master." Aurora copied her dads gesture. The master didn't even acknowledge her and looked back at Mr. Mariano. Mr. Mariano and Aurora both felt bad at that.

" What are you saying Emperor? You know I don't train girls. I don't like girls in this field. I can't fulfil your wish. I'm sorry."

" I'm afraid you have to master. My late fathers order I hope you haven't forgotten. He ordered if my daughter wants to be the heir, you have to train her. I hope you won't disobey him just because he is not alive." Mr. Mariano said keeping his head high.

Aurora saw how the masters expression became more hard. She was sure that the master was now more angry.
" What about the boys?"

" You can let them go. I think they are trained enough to join the group as members. You can train her only."

The master scoffed. " You want me to believe this tiny little girl will be able to run UNDOCILE? Do you really think she is capable of that? You can trust her blindly as she is your blood but I can't. I'm sure she is gonna fail cause not everything is meant for everyone."

Aurora lowered her head after being insulted again.

" You can't insult my daughter like this master. "

" Is stating the fact feeling like insults to you? Then be like it. I know about your daughter. I just train heirs that doesn't mean I don't get news of outer world. I know what her mafia boyfriend has done to her. She is thinking this as a game huh? Just like that she will be the heir and take revenge on him? Only that's the reason of her taking the training. Do you think I will accept her as my student after knowing how clueless she is? How she has no respect, no sense about this world? What are you taking me for?" The master said all these with rage.

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