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The heirs and Antonia were taking breakfast. Andrew and two other men came to Charlie with a lot of parcels.

" Sir, Venom has asked to give these to you." Andrew said.

Everyone looked at those.

" Jeez! Mom has sent a lot for her." Charlie exclaimed.

" I think some of these has food items." Antonia said looking at some food containers.

" Maybe aunty has sent her favorite dishes." Sofia said.

Charlie looked at Antonia. " Antonia, ask a maid to serve these foods for her at dinner. They will be here by dinner I suppose." He said.

" Okay." Antonia said and asked a maid to take the food items. Even after that three parcels were left.

" Should I call another maid for that?" Antonia asked looking at those.

" No. I'll put them in her room. I'm coming in a moment." Charlie said and took those parcels from Andrew and went upstairs.

" You can go now." Antonia said.

Andrew and his two men nodded and left the place. Charlie soon came down and again joined the breakfast.

" Shouldn't we do something for her too?" Harry asked.

" Like what?" Lucas asked.

" A small celebration. She is doing a lot for us. We can arrange a small celebration for her at least, right?" Harry said.

" But she doesn't like to celebrate." Sofia said with a sad smile.

" But she won't scold us. I'm sure of that." Leo said.

" So should we take a risk?" Charlie asked.

" What if her mood get spoiled?" Sofia asked.

" We will ask for her forgiveness till she accepts then." Lucas said sighing.

" What should we do then? Should I ask for someone to decorate the living room?" Antonia asked.

" No you dumbo! We should do everything for her by our own hands. That will make her feel special." Sofia said.

" Aunty has sent her favorite foods. But there is no cake. We should bake a cake for her." Lucas said.

" Well It's totally your and Leos field buddy. You know how talented we are in kitchen except you two." Charlie said sheepishly.

Harry, Sofia and Antonia joined him too.

" Well me and Lucas can bake a cake and you guys can decorate the living room." Leo said.

" Can you make cheese cake? It's her favorite." Sofia said excitedly.

" I have seen mom making it. We can try." Lucas said.

" Well that's decided then. But when will they come back? We have to be aware of that." Charlie said.

" Let me check their location." Antonia said and started checking her phone.

" You can track them?" Harry asked.

" Yeah. Aurora has connected Uncles, mine and Antonia's phone with hers so that we all know about our locations." Sofia said.

" That's an advance technology." Harry said being astonished.

" By now you should know how advance princess is." Charlie said chuckling.

" What if any of you freeze it? I mean if you are attacked and the enemy freezes your location?" Lucas asked.

" It can't be freezed in Auroras phone. Even if anyone freezes our location, it won't change in her phone." Antonia replied but as usually Lucas didn't looked at her. She sighed lowly.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora