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 Aurora was sitting in Charlies room preparing some documents for a project on her laptop. She had to stop her work as Charlie was video calling her. She received the call.

" Hey princess. I'm in your room with cleaning materials. Tell me where should I clean and where shouldn't."

Aurora was really surprised. He really went to clean her room even after hearing her harsh words? How much love does this boy have for her?

"Princess?" Charlie again called Aurora seeing her absentminded.

" Yeah!"

" Tell me."

Aurora chuckled and instructed him what to do or not. The boy was clumsy at first as he didn't have experience but soon he cleaned the room perfectly.

" Done!" Charlie said smiling. Aurora smiled too.

"Thank you."

" My pleasure princess."

" You should get cleaned."

" Yeah. I'm coming to the room. Is that okay?"

Aurora felt bad. Now he was even asking e permission to come into his own room. " Yeah sure."

" Okay." Charlie smiled and cut the call.

Charlie came to the room and directly went to the washroom without saying anything. Aurora smiled at that. 

Sofia knocked on the door.

" Come in."

" How are you feeling now?"

" Fine. You must have made an river of your tears?"

" You are absolutely right." Leo said laughing while entering the room.

" Don't you dare tease me! Why didn't you tell us first that you are having problem?"

" I thought taking the medicine will work. That's why."

" You should be more careful about your health Aurora. Where is that idiot?" Leo said.

" He is in the shower."

" Why? What did you do that he is so sweaty sweaty?" Sofia asked wiggling her brows.

" Since when you have become this much nasty?" Aurora asked raising her brows.

" Since the time he is giving me company." Sofia said pointing at Leo.

" What? When did I teach you these things?" Leo asked sounding offended.

" You! Don't lie in front of her! " Sofia argued. Aurora sighed and closed her eyes.

Charlie got out of the washroom at the same time. " Are you both mad? You are arguing in front of a sick person?" Charlie asked. Leo and Sofia laughed nervously.

" That's the only thing they can do." Lucas said entering the room. Harry was with him too. He just looked at the newly formed secret couple but didn't say anything.

Leo and Sofia gave Lucas a side eye but didn't say further.

" How are you feeling now Aurora?" Harry asked.

" Fine. Are you okay? Did you get hurt that time?"

" No. Thanks for saving me."

" Thanks for trusting me. I know you put all of your trust in me that time. Because people would freak out if they were in your place and it would be hard for me to save you if you did that too. But you maintained your calmness."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя