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" Emperor we have to do something quickly. That motherfucker can kill her anytime."

" What can I do now? I don't know if she is already killed or he has done something worse to my daughter. She didn't even take the phone with her. How would we even track her?" Mr. Mariano started screaming thinking about his daughter.

" Emperor, we can track down that boys number."

" Do you think he will keep that phone with him still now? Think properly." Mr. Mariano said with rage. Andrew lowered his head.

" I know whom to track down." Mr. Mariano said darkly. Andrew looked at him.

" Who is it Emperor?"

" Someone who has decided to stab me from my back." saying that he brought out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

" Hello? Emperor speaking. Track down Mr. Gallo's number. Give me the location of his last dialed or received call." Mr. Mariano cut the call.

" Why Mr. Gallo Emperor? Isn't he your close?" Andrew asked furrowing his brows.

" Most of the times closed ones are the one who stab you from the back Andrew. I'm sure he has leaked angels profile and hid that heirs profile too. I asked him to search about the boy and he said the boy was clean at first. Or else do you think this thing would come this far?" Mr. Mariano said calmly. But Andrew knew well that this was the calmness before the storm.

Suddenly Mr. Marianos phone started ringing. He received the call.

" What? Okay. Keep informing me if the location changes." Mr. Mariano cut the call.

" Of all places that bustard has took my angel to the sea beach. Her favorite place." Mr. Mariano said being furious.

" But Emperor it will take about an hour to reach there. We can't take the helicopter. It will be risky."

" Why the fuck can't we?" Mr. Mariano shouted.

" The Government is doing some tests in air routes today. No other air vehicles are allowed today." Andrew said lowering his head.

" We need to reach there fast Andrew. My angels life is in danger. I can't afford to lose my daughter at any cost. I'll drive the car. Let's go. Take weapons and ask for more men." saying that Mr. Mariano stormed out of the room and went outside of the mansion.

Andrew went behind him while calling the base to ask for weapons and men. They got into the car and went towards their destination as fast as they could.


On the other hand..

Aurora was blindfolded and Ryan was taking her to a place. She was so excited for the surprise Ryan prepared for her.

" Ryan how long!!" She whined impatiently.

Ryan rolled his eyes but replied with a fake smile, " Wait baby."

" We are walking for so long. Babe, open my eyes now please. I want to see the surprise now!"

Ryan stood at a place facing the ocean with Aurora and said, "Sure baby."

He opened the blindfold. Aurora looked at front and saw the ocean. She was really happy. She really likes sea beach. She had told Ryan about that several times. She was feeling lucky that Ryan had remembered that. She turned around to hug him and thank him but something else made her stop in her track.

There were about 20/30 people dressed in all black who were pointing there guns at her. She became afraid of the situation. Though she had seen weapons various times but those made her uncomfortable every time. She doesn't like violence and weapons are a part of every violence so she is not fond of them either. She looked at Ryan with a worried look and asked, "What is this? Who are they? Why are they pointing their guns at me?"

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz