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It was midnight. Aurora almost fall asleep but suddenly some noise made her wide awake. She looked around to see what was happening. What she found was horrifying! She saw a lot of red eyes surrounding her from all sides. She gulped in fear. She didn't know what kind of animal those are but she was sure they were ferocious. Soon they attacked her.

At first Aurora started running but they came closer to her and one jumped on her. The beast was really strong but Aurora suddenly became more powerful. She screamed and stabbed that sharp branch on its neck. It fall off from her. She was covered with blood but for the first time in her life Aurora was neither afraid nor disgusted with blood. Rather she felt somehow peace after killing it. Others also started attacking her but Aurora didn't back away she kept fighting. She got hurt too.

One slightly bit her ankle but she didn't fear anything anymore. She killed all the beasts after a huge fight.

" Come! If there are more then come to me! Aurora Mariano doesn't fear anyone anymore! Fucking come in front of me and you will die!" Aurora shouted.

She wiped the blood from her body.

" I need a shower to wipe off all the beasts touches from my body." she said scrunching her nose. She started looking for a pond and soon she found a stream. She took a long shower in it and decided to stay in there for the rest of the night as her burning feeling inside was cooling down for the water. She screamed while crying loudly.

" God! The old Aurora is finally dead now. The new one will not back out anymore. I will kill any bustard that will try to harm me or my loved ones. Thank you for everything!" She shouted.


It was already morning. Aurora came out of the stream. She took some wild flowers in her way. She stood in front of the grave and put those flowers on it. She crouched down.

" Thank you for everything doggy. Saving you was the best decision of my life and probably the last decision I have made with my heart. I'm not going to listen to my heart anymore. It always makes me weak. But don't worry I'll always save the innocent ones no matter how dangerous it becomes for me. You were my first friend here. I'll never forget you. I'll come here every year on this day I promise you."

Aurora stood up and with that sharp branch she wrote on the tree,
" Doberman Doggy."

She was about to wrote the date and her heart felt that pain. Why is this date so cursed? Tears started falling down from her eyes. With a lot of effort she wrote the date "25th June"

She again sat beside the grave and touched it.

" Do you know what day is today doggy? It's my birthday and also my moms death anniversary. How unlucky I am right! I have lost you today too. How can a date be this much cursed?" Aurora said chuckling sadly. After sometime she stood up.

" Enough of being the weakling, the toy of others enjoyment. I'll show the world what a triggered person can do! I have born again today and the world will know about the dangerous mafia heir this time not a weakling." saying that she started walking towards the camp.


It was a new beginning. This time those pair of eyes that used to hold galaxies were holding fire in it. The heart that was once full of love became stone and that innocent soul was long gone. It was the new Aurora, the fearless, merciless Aurora who'll never be the target of others from now on.

Everyone was gathered in the field for the test. The master was about to go inside too. He had come back in the early morning. A guard came to him.

" Master the Emperor is here."

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