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Aurora got back her sense. She was feeling dizzy. Her head was hurting like hell. She opened her eyes with lot of struggle and found out she was in her room. She sighed thinking what happened. She remembered that blast clearly but one more thing she got remembered. A pair of eyes. Those eyes were really known to her. But she didn't remember anything else about that person. She didn't even know if it was a he or she. But one thing she was sure of that whoever it was they weren't there to help her. She couldn't think of it anymore as her head was hurting most correctly her whole body was aching.

Aurora moved her head and found Charlie dozing off beside her. She kept looking at him. Was she passed out for too long? What day it was? Why was he sleeping in that weird position? His back and neck will be paining like that. She tried to sit in her position.

Charlie woke up feeling her movements. He hurriedly sat up properly and looked at her. Aurora looked back at him.

" Oh! You are awake. Let me help you." saying that Charlie hold her waist with one hand and put another behind her head to make her sit properly.

" You should drink some water." Charlie said and gave her a glass of water.

Aurora didn't take the glass. She hold Charlies hand and drank the water from his hand. Charlie kept looking at her. After so many days he was beside her. She was not trying to push him away rather she was comfortable with him. He felt good at that. Charlie put the glass back on its place and looked at Aurora.

" How are you feeling now Princess?" He asked.

" Not much good. How long was I passed out?"

" 1 day. It's evening almost. Are you hungry?"

Aurora nodded her head.

" Let me bring some food for you and I'll tell everyone that you are awake." He said while standing up.

" You can ask nana to bring food through the land line. You don't have to go by yourself." Aurora said.

" Do you want me to stay here?" Charlie said sitting again feeling that Aurora didn't want to stay alone.

" You stayed the whole night. What's wrong if you stay some more time?"

" How do you know I stayed here last night?"

" Just a guess Charlie." Aurora said chuckling.

" You have known me quite well in few months I think." Charlie said smiling at her.

" I'm a good observer you can say."

"Then I'm asking Rosy for some food. Anything you wanna eat Princess?"

" Soup. Just say the special one. Nana will know."

Charlie nodded. " I should call Sir also. He was here the whole night. Probably taking rest now. Or maybe in Antonia's room."

" Why in Antonia's room? Is she okay?" Aurora asked looking at Charlie.

" She had a panic attack this morning. Lucas and Sir helped her. She is taking rest the whole day."

Auroras eyes got big hearing the news. " I should go and see her." Aurora said trying to get up.

Charlie hold her in place. " You can go later princess. You are sick too. You have to eat something first. You should go after you feel good enough. She is fine now. Don't worry."

Aurora sighed but didn't argue with him. Charlie called Rosy and Mr. Mariano through the landline.

" I have informed them. Are you having any problem anywhere princess?"

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