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" Heart doesn't take selfish decisions but why does my heart always take wrong decisions Charlie?"

" I have seen you taking decisions from your heart princess. I can surely say those were not wrong."

"What do you mean?"

" Nothing. You should take some rest. Get some sleep now."

" I'm not sleepy."

" But you are looking really tired. Lie down. I'll massage your scalp. It will help you to fall asleep."

" You should go to your parents. They are here for you. Go spend some time with them. You will not be able to see them for a long time after today. The war is knocking at the door."

" I'll go to them after you fall asleep. Now lie down princess."

Charlie made her lied down and sat beside her. He started messaging her scalp.

" Are you going to sleep with that sword? Should I keep it somewhere else?"

" No. I'll do that. Do you know this belongs to my mom. I have inherited it."

" Yeah. Mr. Mariano said you have used it for the first time."

" Yeah. Dad gave me this after I completed my training and won the first war."

" Why did you use it today?"

" I have decided whoever will touch my loved ones their end will happen with this sword."

" Will you use that for me if someone hurts me?"

" Yeah. I have told you my loved ones..." Aurora stopped from completing that sentence and looked at Charlie. Charlie smiled.

" So you have included me in your loved ones? That's a huge achievement for me."

Aurora closed her eyes. She was red already.

" You look more beautiful when you blush princess." Charlie said.

Aurora looked at him and found him staring at her with adoration. She also kept looking.

Charlie leaned down and Aurora closed her eyes. Charlie kissed on her foreheads.

Aurora sighed in pure bliss. Her heart fluttered and she felt butterflies in her stomach. What is this? Why is she feeling like this? This boy is making her weak. Making her believe in love again. Should she trust him? God why is this so confusing!

Charlie looked at her. " Don't overwork yourself princess. I want to see you in good health."

" A lot of works are pending Charlie. I don't know what to do about them."

" Can I help you with anything? You can ask me to do anything. I have to learn these things too right? It will be a good opportunity then."

" You won't feel pressurized?"

" I'll be at ease if I get to spent time with you."

Aurora chuckled.

" If you are still confused about Antonia then put yourself in her position. You will realize everything then. If I was in her position, I would give up my life just to save you even if you ordered me not to. If you were in her position and I were in your position, what would you do?"

Aurora didn't reply. But somewhere in her heart she knew she would gladly take that bullet. She would do anything just to make him safe.

" Princess, learn to take protection. You can not always protect others. Let others protect you too. You are a team. Team work always wins. The leader only shows light but team mates make everything twice easier. If you don't want to see anyone in pain then accept the fact that they also don't want you in pain. If you do something and expect others not to do that just because you are the leader that is not okay right?"

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now