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Hadson was going towards the washroom but both Leo and Lucas shoved him from both side in the midst of the crowd.

" What the fuck!" Hadson groaned but saw no one around him as Leo and Lucas went away fastly before he could see them.

Hadson hurriedly went to the washroom and searched for the thing in his pocket but to his horror he couldn't find it. He started to sweat. Where was it? How will he stay here being calm without taking the drug?

But the most important thing was that it was strictly prohibited to bring drugs here as Venom doesn't like it. What would he do if it fell into one of her men's hand? He would be doomed. His dad would get to know about his secret. He started to tremble in lack of drug. He went out with his wobbled legs.

Aurora looked at Leo and Lucas. They winked at her signaling that they were successful to get the drug out of Hadsons pocket. Aurora again looked at Dominic and kept talking. Soon she saw a nervous Hadson standing beside his dad.

Lucas and Leo threw the drug in a place Aurora mentioned before them went inside.

" How can they take things like this?" Lucas said making a gagging face.

" I don't know either but we have done a good job." Leo said chuckling. They high fived.

" Why did you do that to Antonia today?" Leo asked stopping his laugh.

" What did I do now?" Lucas asked sighing.

" Why did you take Bianca's side? Antonia was helping you. We all know you are not comfortable with other girls. She knows it and tried to help you. Why were you rude to her?" Leo askes with concern.

" Why all of you find out my faults every single time? You guys didn't even notice that she was holding Bianca's hand tightly with her injured hand. She was putting pressure on her hand too. It would make her hand condition worse." Lucas said sighing. Leo looked at Lucas being astonished.

" I have said I won't say anything in her matter that's why I used Bianca as an excuse. Nothing more. I don't even care about anything else than her health." Lucas continued.

Leo put his hand on Lucas's shoulder.
" I'm sorry buddy." Leo said feeling bad for not understanding his best friend.

Lucas chuckled. " Don't worry. Let's go inside or else Aurora will be concerned." Lucas said and they went inside again.


Robert and some of his members were gossiping beside the bar.
" Are the new shipments very important mobster Robert?" A member asked.

Robert nodded his head.

" Or else why would Venom hire 100 of us just to collect them when every time just 5/10 goes?" Another one said.

" Are the weapons very strong? Why is she taking such a big shipment? For the war mobster?" Another one asked Robert.

" A very big shipment was destroyed when Venom was attacked. This time these weapons are with more quality and will be used in the war." Robert said while sipping in his drink.

" We will get them next week right?" The first one asked.

" Yeah. From second port as first one is being used by the government for the time being." Robert said.

" No one will be able to defeat our queen after getting these weapons." Another one said with joy.

" Keep your voices low. They are coming secretly for safety purpose. No one should have a hint about it." Robert said lowering his voice.

Suddenly one of their men came and said, " Mobster there is a commotion in the side where Venom was talking to Garcia. Come fast." He said.

Robert and other men hurriedly to see if their leader was in need of them.
But they didn't notice someone heard their whole conversation and recorded it too. He sent the record to his boss and smirked thinking Venom was doomed now.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum