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" Well I'm very glad that you have remembered my voice still now. So what were you saying?" Aurora asked sarcastically.

" I- I.. "

Aurora gave a devilish grin. " Listen Henry, tell them, whoever you are working for, that the heirs are in my protection and you better control that filthy mouth of yours while talking about a girl or what can I do you know that very well." Aurora said coldly.

" But they won't let you go. Do you even know what are you asking for yourself by standing against them? Do you know how much powerful they are? You won't even have a chance to save yourself let alone those heirs."

" Woah! You have learnt to talk back to me? Great achievement. So tell me, are you so excited to visit your dad?"

Antonia and Mr. Mariano chuckled but others kept sitting in confusion.

" W-what?" Henry again stuttered.

" I asked do you want me to send you to the hell just like I did to your father few years back? You both can have a reunion there and look how I protect others including myself from there?"

" Venom! How dare you bring my dead dad in this discussion? Aren't you ashamed how badly you tortured that man who was almost in your dads age?" Henry shouted.

Everyone was beyond shock there hearing the new information.

" Don't compare that filthy motherfucker to my dad Henry. You know very well what he did. It's the first and last warning. If you dare to raise your voice again at me I'll cut your tongue so you can't even talk let alone shout." Aurora said calmly. But rage was visible in her voice.

"You will be dead while fighting against them. You don't know them." Henry said with a normal voice. But his voice was trembling.

" Think about yourself. I have let you go one time. But I won't do that every time remember that. You have crossed your line already. Just wait for the aftermath of todays shouting and filthy talks. I can ensure your death is not so far. Start counting." Aurora said with a venomous voice and cut the call. She gave the phone back to Lucy.

" Do other work. They won't search for location now." Aurora said.

" Sure Venom." Lucy bowed and left the terrace. Aurora kept standing there without a word.

" Have you had a war with Venus?" Mr. Bruno asked looking at Mr. Mariano.

" No. Angel killed the previous leader as her second mission."

" But why? As far I know you had a good connection with him." Mr. Zaffino said.

" That's the saddest part. He was the one who disclosed Auroras profile to The Panther." Mr. Martin said.

Auroras hands formed into fists. She tried hard to control herself. Charlie noticed that.

" Isn't Panther an American group? I have heard its name somewhere I guess." Leo said.

" It's the first group Aurora has destroyed after taking over." Harry said.

" Venus was in an align with Panther?" Mr. Ricci asked.

" Yeah. He was the one who hid every information of Panthers heir. As a result, I almost lost my angel." Mr. Mariano said with rage.

" What is the connection between their heir and Aurora?" Lucas asked.

Aurora felt anger boiling up inside her. She wish she could kill that motherfucker again!

" A relation of a hunter and a prey." Aurora said with a venomous voice. She was raging in anger. She needs to calm down. So she looked at others and said, " You guys continue. I have some work. I'll see you in the morning."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now