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Aurora was giving instructions about the food of the meeting when she received a text. But she ignored it. But texts kept coming.

" Check it please. It's maybe someone important." Antonia said.

" All of you are in the mansion. So it's not someone important."

" Maybe it's your whipped boy?"

Aurora glared at Antonia." Don't you dare." saying that Aurora checked her phone and saw it was really Charlie messaging her.

" It's really him, right?" Antonia said wiggling her brows.

" Can you just shut up?" Aurora said.
Antonia was about to say something when Aurora got a call. She saw Charlie was calling her.

" Have fun talking to your whipped boy.. bye bye." saying that Antonia went away.

Aurora sighed and received the call.
" Why the hell are you spamming my phone with messages?"

" Woah. Easy princess. So you have saved my number?"

" No. Unlike you I have a sharp brain so I have remembered it."

" Yeah yeah very smart! Why didn't you come to the university?"

" Why do you think I'll tell you that?"

" Oh come on Aurora. Why didn't you come last two days? Please tell me."

Auroras heart skipped a beat hearing her name from Charlie. But the shrugged that feeling.
" I'm busy with some family matters."

" Do you have a family? I thought you have no one."

Aurora furrowed her brows." Why would you think that?"

" I have my own reason for that. Whatever are you okay now? You didn't fall sick again, did you?"

" No. I'm completely fine now. Thanks for the care by the way. "

Charlie smiled, " Your cooking skill is amazing. I want to eat your cooked food again."

" I'm not your chef Charlie. It was for one time as you helped me."

" Well you can be my wife if you want. "

Aurora got choked. " Are you out of your mind? Cut the call. I'm busy." saying that she cut the call. Charlie laughed at her reaction.

" Young master, madam has sent me to ask you for getting ready. You will head out at 5" A maid said knocking at the door.

" Yeah. I am getting ready. You can go now."

The maid bowed and left. Auroras heart was still beating faster for Charlie.
" This idiot boy, clearly knows how to play." Aurora thought and went to get ready. It's a big day. She has to show some people their real place and warn others not to be like them. Something big was going to happen today.

Aurora got ready and came down. Antonia and Mr. Mariano was already there. Sofia was there too.
" Woah gorgeous girl. You are going to burn the meeting tonight my queen." Sofia said while dramatically bowing.

" Don't be over dramatic Sofia."                                                                                  

Antonia looked at her and smiled," Ready for the blast Queen?"                

Aurora winked at her and said," Anytime."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now