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 Mr. Richard became shocked. They were doing business for so many years but junior Balakirev never talked to him before. He took the throne for few years but never showed interest to talk to him properly. He found it disrespectful as previous leader was a close friend of his but he didn't say anything as they were the most important client and aligned group of his. But what happened that he wanted to talk to him personally. He was scared too but Venom couldn't reach out to Balakirev right? They were not in good terms. He calmed himself and took the phone.

" What pleasure do I owe to receive a call from you Mr. Balakirev?" Mr. Richard said with a calm voice.

" Shut the fuck up you old motherfucker! How dare you implant informers in my group!" Mr. Balakirev shouted.

Mr. Richard for the first time in life became scared. He was speechless. That means Venom had already reached Balakirev? How was this possible?

" What are you talking.."

" Don't you dare pretend like an innocent now! Ten! You have put ten informers! You fucking coward, nasty dog! Don't come in front me if you want to live!" He shouted again.

" You should respect your elder ones young man. I'm your dads old friend." Mr. Richard said trying to calm himself down.

" Go to hell with your respect. You are lucky that I'm not killing you already. You are out from my all kind of businesses motherfucker!"

" You should think for your group too Mr. Balakirev. I'm sorry for my doing. I won't do anything like this in future." Mr. Richard said with a pleading voice.

" Oh no! no! There is no future of you with my group. You are terminated from any kind of business I do. If It's needed, I'll stop dealing drugs. But I won't ever collaborate with your group again." He said scoffing.

" Mr. Balakirev please try to understand. Someone is trying to break apart our groups. Please give me another chance." Mr. Richard begged siding his pride.

" No one is breaking us apart. Even if it is, then I am glad they have done it. Don't ever expect any help from neither my group nor any of the other Asian groups. You are band in Asian region Richard. You will be finished if you try to invade in my region again!" He shouted.

" You should trust you align group before someone else Mr. Balakirev. Someone is plotting against me. Please don't trust others over me." He begged again

" You bastard! The word trust doesn't suit you. The one has pointed you out is more trustworthy as they don't have any history of backstabbing like you! Getting information of my group huh? I have kill all of your informers dangerously. I'll send the bodies to you as a gift so that you can know what will I do to you if you come in front of me!"

" Mr. Balakirev please think with a calm mind. This decision is harmful for your group too. Don't terminate our contract. How will you manage another dealer or any other profitable business like this in a short time?" He said trying to manipulate junior Balakirev.

" You think you are smart enough to manipulate me huh? Do you think I don't know other aligns of yours have terminated contracts too for your nasty coward doings? Think about your group only! I'll see what to do about my group. I have already sent the contract termination papers. Sign it before I come there and kill you with bare hands." saying that Balakirev cut the call.

Mr. Richard throw the phone and started destroying his room again.
" Ahh!! That motherfucker little bitch! I'll not leave her! I'll fucking cut her into pieces!" Mr. Richard kept shouting while destroying things.

" You think you are smart huh? You have found them few informers and they will do business with you? You think it's that easy? You will have business with them and boom! You will get powerful and renowned in Asia too? Fucking bullshit! Balakirev will never collaborate with UNDOCILE! Their business ethics are not even 1% same. You little bitch just wait and watch how I'll snatch your everything and kill you pathetically!" Mr. Richard screamed.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now