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It was midnight when Aurora was done with her work. She looked at Charlie and found him sleeping. She smiled seeing him sleeping like a bear. She kept her things on side table and covered Charlie with a sheet. She turned off the lights.

" Seeking every chance to stay with me. Witty brat." She mumbled looking at Charlie and lied down beside him. She maintained a distance. But after sometime Charlie pulled her closer while covering her with the sheet.

" You will get cold princess.", He mumbled and tightened his hands around her waist.

Aurora felt her heart will come out anytime. It was beating like crazy.

" Control you heart baby girl. I won't do anything promise." Charlie whispered near her and she trembled being sensitive. Charlie hold her more tightly. They were in a spooning position. Aurora kept her hands over Charlies and soon fall asleep in his embrace being comfortable.
Charlie is like her sleeping drug. Every time he pulls her in his embrace she feels peace and falls asleep easily. They passed the night sleeping like in that position.


In the early morning, Aurora woke up first. She had a lot to do the day. Next day is the party and she had to prepare a lot of things before going to it. She let Charlie sleep more. She freshened up and got ready very quietly. She got out of the mansion without telling anyone as no one was awake yet. Leon came to her with the keys of her new car.

" If dad asks, tell him I'll be back late." Aurora said.

" Okay Venom." Leon said bowing. Aurora got into the car and drove away from her mansion.

At first she went to two of their ports where naturally they receive shipments.

After checking the sites she went to their base.

"Good morning Venom." The girl who was in duty of reception greeted her bowing. She nodded her head acknowledging her

" Send me a coffee." she ordered and went to her cabin.

That girl rushed to get her coffee. She knocked on the door with her coffee.

" Come in." She heard.

She went in and placed the coffee in front of Aurora.

" Is Robert here? He should be on duty."

" Yes Venom. He was in night duty. Maybe changing for going back."

" Tell him I have called." Aurora said going through few files.

" Sure Venom." That girl bowed and went out.

Aurora drank the coffee and was making list of few things. After a while she heard a knock on the door.

" Come in." She said without looking up.

" Venom, you asked for me?" Robert said not before bowing.

" Yeah. I have a mission to give you."

" Anything Venom."

" How many people are there in your team?"

" including me 10 Venom."

" Take 90 more."

" Then?"

" Two shipments of weapons will enter in our second port in few days. You all will receive them and enter them to the hideout without any complications."

" No offense Venom but 100 people for two shipments?"

Aurora looked at him.

He lowered his head. " Sorry Venom."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant