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Antonia and the boys surrounded Sofia looking suspiciously at her.

" W-what?" Sofia asked afraid of getting caught.

" You did something fishy, didn't you?" Harry asked.

" What do you mean?" Sofia asked.

" Don't pretend bitch! Charlie is not actually sick, is he?" Antonia asked.

Sofia awkwardly smiles at them.

" He is faking it to stop Aurora going to that party. Right?" Lucas asked narrowing his eyes.

" And you helped him with this plan." Leo said sighing.

" What rubbish you guys are talking?" Sofia said laughing nervously.

" We have seen you guys smirking and winking at each other." All of them said together and Sofia became mute.

" Speak up bitch!" Antonia hissed.

" Well you are right. That whipped boy was dying for a solution and I helped him." Sofia said shrugging.

" It's not a bad idea though. But we have to be careful that Aurora doesn't get a hint about it." Antonia said.

" I was hesitant at first but now I'm sure Charlie is the exception of everything in Auroras life." Sofia said smiling.

" Yeah. I was surprised too seeing her cancelling a plan just for him. She didn't even hesitate to cancel the plan to stay with him." Leo said.

" Let's hope everything will be fine between them soon." Lucas said.

" Yeah. I'll be the only single in this group then." Harry said sighing. Everyone laughed and went downstairs.


It was late evening when Aurora finished her work. Charlie was still sleeping beside her. She decided to bring his dinner to his room and feed him. She silently got up and went downstairs. Others were coming down for dinner too.

" Where is Charlie? Isn't he coming down?" Antonia asked.

" He is sleeping. I'll take his dinner to his room. Don't worry." Aurora said.

Antonia kept looking at Aurora being amused. Does love make smart people dumb? Aurora didn't understand Charlies trick? How was this possible?

" Why are you staring at me?" Aurora asked being confused.

" She is just watching what love can do to a person." Sofia said giggling. Lucas, Leo and Harry chuckled too

" Did you mean that love has made so blind that I didn't understand why did Charlie suddenly fall down?" Aurora asked smirking.

Everyone choked on nothing hearing her words.

" You knew?" Harry asked.

Aurora just chuckled but didn't say anything.

" Let's eat. I'll take his dinner after that." Aurora said. They finished their dinner. Aurora took back Charlies dinner to his room.

Antonia, Sofia and other three boys kept quiet until she went back.

" She didn't say anything. Why?" Antonia asked.

" I'm not understanding either." Sofia said.

" I thought she would be angry." Lucas said.

" Well you should understand by now that Charlie is an exception." Leo said.

" Yeah. I'm sure now just as much Aurora is an exception in Charlies life, the same goes for Auroras life too." Harry said.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant