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" Can I ask you a question Antonia?"

" Yes, Mr. Bruno."

" Don't be formal to us. We are around your age. So call us by our first name. We won't mind."

" Yeah. Of course. What you wanna know Harry?"

" Why do you have the same surname as the Emperor? Are you related to him? I'm sorry if I am offending you."

Antonia smiled and said, " No no, It's okay. Actually Emperor adopted me 6 years ago after Queen saved me from a war. That's why I have the same surname."

" Oh! You were against them in that war?" Lucas asked being curious.

" No. It's a huge story. I don't want to talk about it." Antonia said.

Lucas understood he had stepped on his boundary. " Sorry Antonia for asking something personal." He said.

" It's okay. You guys should get freshed and take some ready. You rooms are ready. I will call you for dinner." Antonia said.

" Antonia, when will our another heir came? Do you know him or her?" Leo asked.

Antonia understood that they don't know about Sofia. So she thought to make them more confused. " I don't know still when he is coming back. He has gone to visit his parents."

" So it's a he. Coming back means? Does he live here?" Lucas asked thinking he must be close to Antonia. He felt bad at that thought.

" Yeah. He stays here almost all the time. I should warn you guys about one thing, he is very close to Queen. Don't get on his nerves if you want to be save from queens rage."

" Why should we care if he is close to her or not? We are not interested in her. Most importantly, if he thinks we will let him go just because he is close to Venom then he is wrong. I don't let anyone go who annoys me." Charlie said.

" Are you sure you are not interested in her? I think you will change your mind after seeing her. She is way too beautiful." Antonia said.

" I have seen someone who is the most beautiful in this whole world. No other beauty will be enough in front of her." Charlie said thinking about Aurora.

Antonia furrowed his brows thinks does he have a girlfriend? Am I wrong about him then?

" Oh? Are you talking about your girlfriend?" Antonia asked.

" Nah.. That girl doesn't even like him but here he is already whipped for her." Lucas said.

"Come on bro, we know nerdy is beautiful but you haven't seen Venom yet. Why are you even comparing them?" Leo said.

" They are totally opposite buddy. You can't compare them only on the basis of beauty. Nerdy and Venom are like north pole and south pole." Harry said. Charlie rolled his eyes in annoyance.

" Still she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world. No one can beat her." Charlie said.

Antonia understood that they were talking about Aurora. She smiled thinking finally someone has come to take care of Aurora. " Well, you should wait for tomorrow Charlie. We will hear your opinion then." Antonia said smiling. Charlie rolled his eyes again.

" Well as you guys will stay here for sometime, I should tell you guys some rules of the mansion."

" Yeah. Go ahead." Harry said.

" We don't call queen by her first name here. You can call her Venom or by the surname."

" Why though?" Leo asked.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now