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" Her watch!" Aurora said and looked at her phone. Charlie looked at her with confusion.

" Her watch has a tracker too. Look it's with her." Aurora said showing the map to Charlie.

" Great Princess." Charlie said.

" But Charlie it's still moving. That means they are still in a car. Hurry up Charlie. We have to go." Aurora said. They hopped on the bike and Charlie started going faster.

" Put the phone in front of me princess. It will help me to understand the location."

" Wait. I have to send the link to Andrew."

Aurora send the location link to Andrew and gave her phone to Charlie.

" Hold tightly." Charlie said.

Aurora hold him and Charlie sped up.


Sofia got her sense back. She looked around feeling dizzy. She tried to move but soon realized she was tied tightly.

" Looks like you are finally awake." Henry said smirking. Sofia looked at her front founding someone smirking at her nastily.

" Who are you?" Sofia asked.

Henry slowly went towards her. He crouched down to her level. " forget me baby? How should I make you remember? I said I'll taste you. Remember?" Henry said smirking.

Sofia's eyes went big in realization.
" Henry." She whispered.

" Correct. You are really smart." Henry said laughing loudly.

" Let me go! you bustard!" Sofia said struggling with the tight rope.

" How can I baby? I have to kill you. Or Mr. Richard will kill me you know? But I just want to have a taste of yours before you die that's why I was waiting for your sense to come back." Henry said with a nasty grin.

" Don't you dare touch me. I'm warning you Henry." Sofia said with a warning tone.

" O my god. I got scared. Look! I'm having goosebumps." Henry said mocking her. Sofia kept glaring at him. Henry touched her face. Sofia tried to move but she failed to.

" Such a pretty face. I wonder how your everything will taste." Henry said licking his lips. Then he smelled her.

" Let me go!" Sofia said whimpering.

" Stay away from her you motherfucker!" Harry said shouting. Sofia looked at her side and found Harry also tied like her. Are others here too? She thought.

" Oh you are awake too!" Henry said with a bored voice.

"Stay away from her if you want to live. Don't you understand touching her will be the dead of yours?" Harry warned.

" Really? So who will kill me? Venom? She won't even have any idea where you guys are and you think she can save you? Poor boy!" Henry said laughing evilly.

" Then you don't have any idea what Venom can do for us. Just wait for your death you nasty bustard." Harry shouted.

" Listen! Let me enjoy my meal. Don't be a cock blocker. You can enjoy live porn if you want." Henry said smirking at Sofia.

"Don't!" Sofia said crying and closing her eyes. She can't take his nasty stares anymore. Henry chuckled.

" I want you to be desperate for me too darling. That's why I have arranged everything for you." He whispered near her ear. Sofia whimpered being afraid.

" We will both enjoy our time together. I have arranged Viagra for you." He again whispered.Sofia's eyes went big in realization. It was a sexual drug she knew it.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now