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" Where is Venom Eric?" Charlie asked.

" Venom has not returned sir. She will be back later. I can't say her location. Sorry."

Charlie furrowed his brows. But just nodded at him. A guard came in and asked for Leon.

"Why are you searching for Leon?" Sofia asked the guard.

"Mam, The Emperor is coming back. Venom has ordered me to inform about that." Everyone became shocked. The Emperor was coming back?

Antonia looked at Eric and asked, "When?"

" In the afternoon boss."

"You will go to fetch him?"


"He is leaving his work there and coming back for me. Queen has agreed that?"

"Yes boss."

Antonia sighed. She realized that it was going to be mad hard this time.

"That's a good news. Antonia you should take rest. Let's go to your room. We will talk later." Sofia said.

"Yeah. She is right. Go to your room. You need a lot of rest now." Harry said. Sofia took Antonia to her room.

"Why didn't you talk to her?" Charlie asked Lucas.

"I don't know what to say. My heart is tearing apart seeing her like that."

"She will be fine buddy. Accompany her. I'm feeling something is off between her and princess." Charlie said.

"Yeah. Or else Aurora would never leave her and go somewhere in this situation." Leo said from side.

"You have to take care of her now bro. This is your chance." Harry said patting Lucas shoulder.


Aurora came to the office. Everyone started greeting her. She directly went to CEOs room and sat on her dads chair. Naturally she sits here in her dads absence. A girl knocked on the door.

"Mam Mr. Zaffino is here."

"Send him in." The girl went away. After few minutes Aurora heard another knock on the door.

"Come in."

Mr. Zaffino came inside. Aurora stood up. "Nice to meet you Mr. Zaffino."

Aurora held out her hand. Mr. Zaffino smiled and they shook their hands.

" Please have a seat." Aurora said. Mr. Zaffino nodded and sat down.

" What can I offer you Mr. Zaffino? Tea? Coffee? Or any drinks?"

" I don't need anything Venom."

Aurora smiled hearing that. " That won't do Sir. I'm asking for Orange juice. Okay?" Mr. Zaffino nodded.

Aurora took the landline. " Send two Orange juices. Don't put too much sugar."

Aurora put the landline and looked at Mr. Zaffino. "How can I help you sir?"

"You are way more beautiful than I thought young lady. Pardon me for talking outside business. I just can't help admiring your beauty. My wife will disown our son just to make you her daughter if she sees you." Mr. Zaffino said chuckling.

Aurora chuckled too. From yesterday this is the first time she is feeling relaxed. The man in front of her giving her a soothing vibe.

"Thank you for the compliment Sir. I have got that from my mother."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें