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" Buddy can you change Antonia's plaster? I don't want her to go outside for it until I find that bustard Henry." Mr. Mariano said.

" Yeah sure. Antonia sit beside me dear. Let check your hands condition." The doctor said.

Antonia nodded and sat beside him.


Time passed. The doctor went back after removing Antonia's plaster. Everyone went back to their own room. But Charlie and Mr. Mariano went into Auroras room. They both sat on the bed and kept looking at Aurora.

" She looks so tired." Mr. Mariano mumbled.

Charlie didn't say anything but kept looking at Aurora.

" She has gone through a lot from her childhood. I always fail to protect my angel. Alessandra must be so disappointed at me." He continued lowering his head. Tears were running down his face.

" You are a great dad Sir, I hope you know that." Charlie said lowly.

" No I'm not. I'm always late. I have even triggered her with her past. What and awful dad I am!" Mr. Mariano said.

" I don't know about her past Sir. But I'm sure she has become this strong version of hers with your help. Without your comfort and courage she won't be able to come this far. She is capable I admit but you have brought out her capability I'm sure of that." Charlie said looking at Mr. Mariano.

" Haven't I said she is afraid of love? Do you want to know the reason Charlie?", Mr. Mariano asked still looking at Aurora.

" If you trust me with her past Sir. I'll be glad to know more about her. I want to know her every wound so that I can help her to heal. I want to protect her from every bad thing. I don't want her to get triggered and hurt herself while I'm beside her. She will have me by her side till the day I'm alive I can assure you that." Charlie said looking at Aurora.

Mr. Mariano looked at Charlie and saw the love he was holding in his eyes for Aurora. He gave him a small smile.

" I have always wanted someone like you for my angel. Let me tell you how my daughter was almost snatched away from me. But God has blessed me by returning her. I don't want to lose her again. I'll need your help to protect her Charlie."

Charlie nodded indicating that he was listening.

" Angel from her childhood was a very sweet girl. She never liked violence. For her love could resolve anything. She trusted people easily. I was always afraid that people might take advantage of it. I shared my thoughts with her. But do you know what my little girl suggested? She said that she wanted to hide her real identity. She didn't want to show people that she was from a rich family so that no one could take advantage of her. It was going well. She didn't have much friends except Sofia. Angel knew that I was in mafia since little. She was afraid of blood. Before she joined mafia I have never done any mafia related business in this mansion so that she didn't get scared and outsiders couldn't see her face. To outer world everyone knew I have a daughter but no one have seen her. I admit that at first I was little upset that mine and Aleksandra's child is this much totally opposite of us but as time went by I was happy that my angel was living happily. You have seen how jolly Sofia is right? Angel was more jolly than her. She used to smile all the time, hopped on in this whole mansion like a rabbit. She was super brilliant. I was really astonished seeing her that much interested in business. Then I was relieved that my daughter will take over my company and I'll manage my group. Now when I think about that I have finally realized that my little daughter took interest in business just to make me happy. She thought she has disappointed me by not wanting to be the heir. So she thought to make me proud with that. Can you realize an elementary school girl to have that much sense? She is an amazing girl from her childhood. I have been always proud of her. But she has misunderstood me. She thinks I don't love her enough. I chose others over her. She is so upset that she is giving up the throne for which she has worked with her blood, sweat and tears. I have hurt her badly. I have triggered her with her past. What should I do Charlie?"

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant