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At auroras room,

"Why were you curious about the party?" Aurora asked Sofia.

"Yeah. You don't like mafia parties. Then why did you ask about heirs are allowed or not?" Antonia asked.

" I was making sure if other heirs are going or not."

" But why?" Antonia asked.

"Let me tell you todays story first." Sofia said the whole incident happened in the class.

" Does that boy have a crush on Aurora or what?" Antonia asked.

" I think so. Or else why will he keep staring at her? I have noticed that before too."

"That's a good thing. Nerd Aurora has gotten an admirer." Antonia said while laughing. Aurora looked at her raising her brow and Antonia immediately stopped laughing.

" But the point is that boy is a play boy. We should not trust Aurora with him." Sofia said.

Aurora rolled her eyes and said," You are thinking so much Sofia. Rich brats like him only thinks about his pleasure. He is trying to change his taste from bitches to nerds. He has thought I'll be the easiest target."

" Oh, how naive he is then!" Antonia said laughing.

" Yeah. Boys like him doesn't deserve attention. So don't think much about him Sofia. Moreover, he is not my type. So you don't have to trust me with him."

" You never know Miss mafia. He can be your king as he is a heir too." Sofia said.

"Not every queen needs a king to rule the kingdom. What help he will do? Seducing girls?" Antonia and Sofia started laughing loudly hearing that.

" But what is the connection between the boy and party?" Antonia asked.

" Dummy! I asked to make sure that Charlie and his friends are not going or else they will know the real identity of Aurora."

" That's a good point. But do they know that you are the only princess in their group?" Antonia said.

" No. They don't even know they belong to a mafia group." Sofia said chuckling.

" Then they will have to wait a little more to see our queen." Antonia said.

" Will you guys stop talking about those spoiled boys? My blood boils every time thinking about their doings."

" You keep quite all the time. When did you notice these things?"

" Umm.. You are forgetting she is a mafia. She has to keep an eye on her surrounding."

" Oh yeah. By the way Miss mafia, don't hate too much or you will fall in love." Antonia chuckled hearing that.

Aurora rolled her eyes and said," Enough of your bullshit. I'm going to take shower. See you in the dining area." Saying that she went to the washroom. Sofia and Antonia went to their respective rooms to get freshen up.


Next day at university, Charlie and his friends were talking in the corridor. " So Ricky didn't come today? Who will we bully then?"

"Charlie you have literally pushed that boy from balcony. He is maybe in the hospital right now. You didn't expect him to come to university in stretcher just to get bullied by you again ,did you?" Lucas said.

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