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" Princess?" Charlie called seeing her zoning out.

" Yeah?"

" Let's go?"

" We have to inform uncle first."

" I have already done it."

" You knew I'll go with you, didn't you?" Aurora asked raising her one brow.

" Maybe?" Charlie said smiling sheepishly.

Aurora rolled her eyes and got into the car. Charlie looked at others and showed a thumbs up that their mission is successful. Aurora noticed that. She sighed for the ninth time today.

" They are all together in this." She mumbled.

Everyone got into the car and they drove towards Mariano mansion.

They reached Mariano mansion and everyone got out of the car except Charlie and Aurora. Aurora opened her sides glass.

" Antonia" Aurora called.

Antonia came towards her and said, " Yes?"

" After getting freshed search all the hide outs of Pluto and the places where they keep their shipments. Make a list of them. I'll show him fire tonight."

" What about our ones? They will do the same right?"

" Yeah. Move out every equipment in the base area of every hideouts through the secret tunnels. Alert the members about attacks. If they see larger number than them ask them to hide in the basement too but make sure others don't get to know the secret tunnel and if they find small groups they will attack back. It will depend on the situation. Just give them a brief. I'll talk to them after coming home. Call for a meeting at home. Those who will be in duty ask them to join in a video call."

" What if they attack before us? They know you will call for a war. They can do that before us."

" I don't think so. They are not that smart. But you have a point too. So ask the members to be careful beforehand. I don't want to lose any of my member Antonia. Remember it. Give attention to every single details."

" Yes Queen." Antonia bowed to her. Aurora locked the glass and looked at Charlie only to find him staring at her like he is seeing her for the first time.

" Why are you staring like a creep?" Aurora asked and started her car.

" Do I look like a creepy person to you?" Charlie asked without breaking the staring.

" Yeah. There is no doubt that you are a creepy person."

" Then be ready to feel my creepy stares for the rest of your life."

Aurora blushed hearing that.

" O my god! Am I seeing it right? The great Venom is blushing?"

Aurora closed her eyes being embarrassed. " Don't flirt with me you creep."

" I didn't flirt. I just told what will happen in future."

" Shut up." Aurora said handing him a mask.

" Mask? Why?"

" Venus is searching for you guys like crazy. You have to cover your face."

" Oh! Okay."

They were silent for sometime. But it was a comfortable silence.

" Thank you for singing today."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now