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" It took you 5 months to confess. God! How slow you are!" Sofia said rolling her eyes.

Aurora and Ryan chuckled. Ryan has already used to Sofia's savageness.

" So your answer?" Ryan asked nervously.

" I didn't hear the question properly." Aurora said with mischief in order to tease Ryan. Sofia smirked at that. Ryan chuckled seeing the beautiful girl teasing her.

He went closer and bent down to Auroras height as she was shorter than him and looked into her eyes. Aurora stumbled realizing the closeness. But Ryan hold her by waist.

" I said I have feelings for you. I have fallen for you the very first day I have seen you. I was too coward to confess thinking you would break our friendship. But now somehow I have realized you have something for me too. So I have gathered all my courage to ask you this. Aurora, Will you be my girlfriend?"

Aurora kept looking at him. tears fell down from her eyes. Ryan became confused.

" I'll. I like you too Ryan." Aurora said and hugged Ryan. Ryan hugged her back while smiling.

" You have made me the luckiest guy in the world today Aurora. Oh no, I'll be the luckiest guy on that day when I'll complete my mission."

Aurora and Sofia furrowed their brows.

" What mission?" Sofia asked. Ryan blinked thinking what he has just said. He kept silent thinking what he should say.

" Why are you not saying anything? What mission Ryan?" Aurora asked breaking the hug.

A sudden thought came across Ryan's mind. He looked at Aurora and hold her hands.

" The mission of making you completely mine. The day we will take our vows will be the day I'll complete my mission."

Aurora felt her heart warming thinking how far Ryan has thought about their future. She has finally met her love of the life. How lucky she is!

Only if she could realize what that love of her life would do to her. How unlucky she is getting by excepting him in her life. How miserably and drastically her life was going to change. If she knew all those she would never call herself lucky.

It's already been two months since Aurora and Ryan is together. Whole school knew about their relationship. Aurora was the happiest you can say. Sofia was happy too. She thought finally her friend was getting what she desires the most. Love! But destiny has other plans for Aurora.


Mr. Mariano has again returned from his business trip. Aurora was nervous this time. She had never hid anything from her dad. She wanted to tell him about Ryan. But she doesn't know how her dad was going to react.

" Angel, are you okay?" Mr. Mariano asked looking at Aurora. Aurora didn't reply as she was drown in her own thoughts.

" Angel?" Mr. Mariano again called but didn't get any reply.

They were taking lunch together as it was a weekend.

" Angel!" Mr. Mariano called loudly for the third time. Aurora got out of her thoughts and looked at her dad. Her eyes went big in realization that she zoned out and her dad would definitely doubt her now.

" Yes dad?" She said.

" What happened angel? Is anything wrong?"

" Umm.." Aurora hesitated saying that.

" What is it angel? I have never seen you nervous before. Is everything good at school? Do you want me to go there?"

" No no! You don't have to go there!" Aurora said fastly and it made Mr. Mariano doubt more.

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