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" Andrew go to the washroom with two other guards. Take them and get out of this club from the back door. I want my sister and Lucas safe at any cost."
She said in the darkness.

" Sure Venom." saying that Andrew with some of his team members went towards the washroom.

Aurora got out her phone and messaged the fighters that she needed them.

Eric hurriedly came near Aurora and the light came exactly at the same time.

They saw they were surrounded by men in black attires with weapons targeting at them. Everyone started screaming and running outside. Eric and other guards came in front of the heirs holding their guns.


On the other hand,
Lucas was taking Antonia to the washroom but before they could enter they were surrounded by some men. They were about to bang a stick on Antonias head.

" Antonia" Lucas shouted and pulled her other side while kicking that man.

Antonia was dizzy but still she fought back.

" Antonia don't use your hand." Lucas said while twisting another ones hand.

He kept sheltering Antonia as she was sick. A man was about to stab Lucas but before he could Antonia hold his hand and heard a gun shot.

They relaxed seeing Andrew and other few guards standing there with guns. They shot all those attackers.

" Where are others?" Antonia asked still feeling dizzy.

" Boss, we are attacked. Venom has ordered me to take you both out from the back door." Andrew said.

" What? What about others? How will they get out?" Lucas asked panicking.

" Venom is with them Sir. We will leave this place with them. Don't worry."

" How many are there Andrew?" Antonia asked.

" I suppose too many boss. But Venom has strictly prohibited you to go in there. Please come with us." Andrew requested.

" Antonia, you are not well. I think they have spiked your drink. Let's go. I trust her. She will manage." Lucas said holding her.

" The fighters are here boss. Please let's go or those attackers will target you and the heirs to weaken Venom." Andrew said.

Antonia nodded this time. Andrew and other guards took them out safely from the back door.


Inside of the club,

" Give those heirs to us and we will let you go." One of the attackers said.

Others started shouting and running out from the club.

" Eric cover the heirs with others. I'll back up." Aurora said from behind.

" Venom the fighters aren't here yet. They are too many in numbers." He said.

" Just do as I say. If they cover all of us together you won't be able to get them out. I can tackle them for some time. Take them out in that chance."

" Princess how can you cope up with all of them? They are not only more in numbers but also fucking strong." Charlie whispered yelled.

" Can't we go out all together?" Leo asked her.

" No. They will follow us then. It will be riskier that way." Aurora said.

" Princess let me.. "

" Don't you dare think of staying here with me. Eric, take them out fast." saying that Aurora came out of the cover and started shooting.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن