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" Don't you want to know what Lucas meant that time?"

"If you want to share then why not?"

Antonia took a deep breath. She was about to tell Aurora the darkest truth of her life.

" Ronald Richard is my biological father." Antonia said and again took a deep breath.

" Relatable." Aurora said.

" You are not surprised?" Antonia asked being confused.

" Not actually. I don't care that much about him. He is just an arrogant old bustard to me."

" You are awfully calm these days." Antonia said sighing.

" Now you are having problem with my calmness too? You complain about my anger issues, now calmness. What should I do then?"

" Not fun Aurora. You know my past. You know how heinous that bustard is. He is a monster disguise in human shell."

"I know your past and that's why I have gotten another reason to kill him today. He killed my family members, he killed your mother, he almost killed you, he is trying to kill the heirs and most importantly he has tried to kill me and threatened me with some cheap threats. Aren't these enough for me to destroy him from roots?"

"But he will use his dirty tricks to drag you down Aurora. I know how low he can stoop to get his work done."

" So you don't have faith in me? "

"I do. I know very well how capable you are. But back stabbing? Dirty tricks? Targeting closed ones? What about these? He is good at those."

" I have learnt something when I got trained in the camp. Be good to the good ones and be cruel to the cruel ones. I don't mind stooping low if my opponent is doing so Antonia. I'm not a good person for an enemy remember that."

"I know." Antonia said sighing.

" Antonia, don't stress out. Be strong. He can be a monster but you don't need to be afraid of him anymore. You have got me, dad. Why are you scared? Don't worry for me."

Antonia smiled brightly this time.


Lucas got inside his room and sat on his bed. He was devastated after hearing Antonia's words. He didn't know what to do now. His heart was paining. His friends came inside and sat beside him. They didn't say anything to him. They were all quietly observing Lucas.

After some moment Sofia knocked on the door. All four of them looked at her. Sofia came in.

" You should apply ice pack on your cheek Lucas." Sofia said sitting next to him and handing him an ice pack. Lucas didn't take it.

" It will sting more. Please take it." Sofia again said. This time she put it on his hand. Lucas hold it.

Others were sadly looking at them.

"I know you are hurting inside. It's okay to let yourself cry sometime you know? You will feel light." Sofia said softly putting her hand on his shoulder.

" Did I do something wrong? Is she fine? Did I trigger her?" Lucas mumbled.

" You are still thinking about her after she broke your heart just like a toy?" Harry said with disbelief.

Sofia smiled sadly. " You didn't do anything wrong. Antonia is the one who is wrong here. Her past life is not so good Lucas. I don't know what happened today to make her go this much violent again but even if she has conditions that doesn't mean what she did is okay." She said.

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