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It was next morning somehow Charlie woke up early. He was bored as others were still sleeping. An evil idea came across his mind. He thought of calling Aurora and disturb her.


Aurora was talking to one of her most trusted man about the spy in the university.

" Have you got any update on it Eric?"

" Venom I have 2 boys and 2 girls but I'm still not sure who is the one."

" Give me their information."

Eric gave a file to Aurora and said, "I have searched one more thing. One of them has never updated anything in the University group."

" Say the name."

" Lara Francis"

" Okay. I'll look into it. You can go and do other work."

"Okay, Venom" saying that Eric went out.

Antonia came into the room at the same time. " Any update on your spy?"

" Yeah. Where were you?"

" I was in the base. What did Eric say?"

Aurora was about to reply but her phone started ringing. Aurora furrowed her brows.
" Who is it? Did you give your personal number to anyone?"

" I don't think so." saying that Aurora received the call.


It was Charlie. He was astonished realizing that Aurora was already awake.

" Hey princess."

Aurora recognized the voice at once. But how the fuck this boy got her number? "Where did you get my number?"

" Well it was hard as there is no proper information about you in the records but I have gotten the number."

" Why are you calling me?"

Antonia was watching her being confused. Aurora was not behaving in her usual self.
" To disturb you actually."

" I'm not someone you can play with Charlie. Never call me again." saying that Aurora cut the call. Charlie was in cloud nine hearing his name from Aurora for the first time. It sounded so good. Why is he so whipped for this girl? Only God knows.

Antonia became more confused. Who the hell is Charlie? " Who is Charlie?"

" Charlie Zaffino."

" Oh! The would be head of BLACK WINGS?"

" Yeah."

" Why is he calling you? How the hell he got your number?"

" That's a long story. Don't tell Sofia that he has called. I'll make everything clear at night."

" Okay. Let's go. Dad wants to talk to you."

"Yeah. Let's go."

Aurora and Antonia went to the garden to talk to Mr. Mariano.

" Dad, you were asking for me?"

" Yeah angel. Sit here." Aurora and Antonia both sat there.

" What about the spy angel? Have you got her yet?"

" How are you so sure it is a she dad?" Antonia asked.

" It's an intuition you can say dear."

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now