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" G-o a-way." Antonia stuttered.

" So you are still an incapable of talking properly shit huh? Mariano or Venom couldn't make you capable?" Ronald said laughing loudly.

" Stay away from her!" Lucas shouted.

Ronald looked at him with confusion while tilting his head." I'm talking to my daughter. Who are you to stop me?" Ronald asked.

Other gasped at the information. Ronald looked around seeing the shocked faces." So my little shit hasn't told any of you that she is my blood right? Well I myself even don't accept her as my daughter. Who will be happy to have such an incapable shit?" Mr. Richard said.

" Will you shut your fucking mouth?" Lucas said with a warned tone.

" Why are you getting hyped? Oh! Does this unworthy shit have a boyfriend too? My god boy! You have the worst choice in this world I must say." Mr. Richard said. He even mocked Antonia how she used to talk in childhood. Antonia felt ashamed thinking she is his biological daughter.

" Will you stop?" Mrs. Rossi said being annoyed.

" What kind of inhuman you are to mock your own daughter like that?" Mr. Rossi asked with rage.

" She isn't even worthy of being my daughter. Her mother must have some problems to give birth a shit like her. She is just a shame of my family." Ronald said rolling his eyes.

" Actually you are not capable of being my father Richard. The problem is actually you not my mother. Don't bring her topic with that foul mouth of yours." Antonia said with a warned tone. She tolerated everything he said about her but she won't if the topic is related to her dead mother.

Lucas felt proud of her. Ronald looked at her being amused." Looks like you have learnt to talk finally. But you are still an unworthy shit to me Antonia. I couldn't kill you back then when I killed your mother. But today after killing Venom, you will be my first target." Ronald said with rage.

Everyone became astonished getting new new information about Antonia.

" Let's see who kills who Richard. You have killed my mother and grandparents but my sister won't let you kill me. Mark my words, she is on her way to save me and others." Antonia said boldly.

Ronald started laughing loudly." You are quite confident about a girl who is not even your real sister Antonia."

" Yeah I'm because I can't trust my actual father and sister. I'm sure Rosalia is just same as you. A coward self-centered obsessed girl." Antonia spatted.

Ronald went near her and slapped her. Antonia closed her eyes feeling the stinging sensation on her cheek. He was about to slap her once more when everyone shouted at him.

" Richard!" They called.

" Don't you dare raise your hand on her again!" Lucas shouted.

" Let him do anything he wants." Antonia said looking at Ronald.

" You think I'm still weak right? Just untie my hands and I'll show you who you have slapped. Untie me if you dare Richard." Antonia said glaring at him.

" No Antonia!" Lucas said being afraid of her injured hands.

" Don't worry. I won't untie her. What can she even do? She can have the training of mafias but defeating me in a battle is way out of her league." Ronald said rolling his eyes.

" Spineless hypocrite." Antonia scoffed.

" What did you say?" Ronald was about to slap her again when the leaders and their wives gave him a warning tone.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now