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" Are you sure she is going to the port?" Henry asked his man.

" Yes Boss. She is alone. Our man has confirmed it."

" Fuck. This is the chance. A perfect chance to show that bitch her place." Henry jumped in excitement saying that.

" Boss are you sure? She is venom. Even after getting bullet shot in her heart, she is still alive. Do you think a bomb can do anything? Moreover the Emperor is here. He will burn down your territory if he gets the news you attacking Venom."

Henry looked angrily at his man." Do they pay you or me? Why the fuck you are taking their side!" Henry shouted at him.

" That bitch and her father need a lesson. They can't even grab my hair if Mr. Richard protects me." Henry again said and called Mr. Richard.

" Sir, she is going to the port alone. Should I give her lesson now?" He said smirking.

" Yeah. Let that little girl know whom she is standing against. Let me give her a small gift. What about the heirs?"

" They are still in the mansion. They don't have any plan to get out of there any soon. It is impossible to attack them in that mansion. Mariano mansion has one of the tightest and safest security system in the whole world."

" Well then do something to make them out of that mansion bustard. I want them dead! Don't you get that? I want that group. Kill them as soon as possible!" Mr. Richard shouted.

" Dad! Don't say it like that. One of them is your future son in law. How can you be this cruel to him. I need my Charlie as soon as possible. Why are you taking this much time??" Henry heard someone saying those trying to be cute. But to him it sounded awful. He knew the owner of that cringe voice. He rolled his eyes.

" Don't worry princess. He is yours. They won't kill him. I will bring him to you." Mr. Richard said. I sounded like he was talking to a baby. Henry made a gagged face hearing that.

" Make sure to kill any bitch that comes near my hubby. That bitch Venom or what who is sheltering them kill her first if it's needed. I don't care how many person you need to kill to bring my Charlie to me. Just bring him to me. I want him." She said completely in a different voice this time. She sounded like a obsessed psychopath.

" I will princess. I have promised you that he is yours. Dad always keeps her promise right? Just start planning for your marriage. I'll get him for you." Mr. Richard said. That girl left the room.

" Listen Henry. I have had enough of this shit. I need Venom out of this picture. I need those heirs. Charlie needs to be alive for my princess. Do as soon as possible. Or else I'll come to get him and destroy everything." saying that Mr. Richard cut the call.

" Both the dad and princess are psychopaths. I need to do the job as soon as possible." Henry said gulping.


Aurora was going towards one of their hideouts with the new shipment. But she felt something was off. Her gut feelings were saying that something was going to be wrong. She fastly called to the main base. After one ring the member in duty received the call.

"This is Venom speaking. Pass the call to Eric."

"Sure Venom." The receptionist said and passed the call.

" Yes Venom." Eric said in an attention mode.

" Emergency. I think someone is trying to attack. I need back up." as soon as Aurora completed the sentence Eric heard a loud sound of blast and a beep sound from the call. His eyes went big in realization that their queen has been already attacked. He quickly gathered his team and headed towards the location Venom provided. On his way he called the Emperor.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora