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They all again sat on couches in the living room. But after sometime Charlie got up.
" Where are you going?" Mrs. Zaffino asked.

" To the kitchen mom." saying that he walked towards the kitchen.

Everyone except the heirs and Antonia sat their being confused. " Have I heard that right? He has gone to kitchen?" Mrs. Zaffino asked looking at her husband.

" I think so." Mr. Zaffino said being equally confused.

The heirs and Antonia didn't say anything. Charlie got into the kitchen.

" Rosy? Are you busy now?"

" Not that much sir. Do you need anything?"

" Can you prepare some food for your young master? She is definitely hungry."

Rosy smiled seeing the concern in his eyes. " I can. But will she eat anything now?"

" Make something that she can't refuse. I'll make sure she eats." Charlie said chuckling. Rosy laughed too.

" Sure sir. Will you take it to her room or you want me to go?"

" I'll take it and stop calling me sir. I'm like your son. Call me by my name."

" But how.."

" No further question. Do what I say."

" Sure Charlie." Rosy said smiling. Charlie smiled too.

" I'm waiting here. Prepare her food."

" Okay. I'll be quick." saying that Rosy started cooking for Aurora.

After sometime Charlie got out from the kitchen with a plate full of food and started going upstairs. Everyone gave him a confused gaze.

" Where is he going?" Mr. Mariano asked.

" She is going to queens room dad." Antonia replied.

Everyone was utterly shocked except the heirs. " Angel will not eat anything rather he will get scolded. Sofia stop him now." Mr. Mariano said with concern.

" She will eat uncle. He will just make her eat everything and she won't even say a word to him." Sofia said smiling.

" I can't even make her eat anything at times like this." Mr. Mariano said chuckling.

" What has happened to our boy dear? He has changed. Don't you think?" Mrs. Zaffino asked looking at her husband.

" Yeah. He surely has changed a lot." Mr. Zaffino said.

" Are they close?" Mrs. Martin asked her daughter being curious.

" Not like you think mom. But they will become close eventually. You know her. She doesn't let anyone cross the boundary unless she has a weak spot for them. Charlie is one of those few people. But I'm sure he is going to be more special to her." Sofia said.

" Venom will not be angry at him for these right?" Mr. Bruno asked being concerned.

" Yeah. Is she okay with these? We have heard she doesn't let emotion control her." Mrs. Bruno said.

" If you guys have any problem with them I can ask them to stay away from each other." Mr. Mariano said looking at them. He was happy that someone was finally taking care of his Angel but he can't be selfish. If the families don't accept he won't allow this to go any further.

Because to mafias family is always the first priority and it becomes a mess whenever family doesn't approve the relationships. He won't let his Angel to be in any kind of such mess . Her life is already kind of mess. She needs a man to organize that life not to create a bigger mess.

VENOM💀: THE MAFIA QUEEN   (I)Where stories live. Discover now