First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (6)

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First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (6)
First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (6)
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Lu Wenzhan hurriedly climbed onto the bed and straightened Ruan An who was on his side. Ruan An's eyes were red, and a small pearl flashed at the end of his eyes. Lu Wenzhan held each other together with pain in his heart: "What's the matter, An'an? Are you feeling uncomfortable again? Let's bear with it, shall we? I'll take you to choose a spouse tomorrow..."

Ruan An started crying before he finished speaking: "Woo... Do you think I'm a fish? Don't you like me? You're a big liar, you said you liked me the most..."

Lu Wenzhan held Ruan An's face distressedly and said, "No, how could I dislike you?"

Ruan An cried: "Then you don't want me anymore, and you still want to take me to choose a spouse, ah..."

Lu Wenzhan was at a loss: "Then what should I do, An An? What do you say?"

Ruan An sniffed, grabbed Lu Wenzhan tightly with his fingers, and looked at him with watery and crying red eyes: "I want you. I like you, and you will be my spouse."

Lu Wenzhan's heart was beating wildly, and he looked at the crying little mermaid: "What are you talking about? Ruan An."

Ruan An hugged Lu Wenzhan's arm tightly: "I like you, and I want you to be my spouse."

Lu Wenzhan seemed to be stunned, looked at Ruan An and said, "You are a little fish, why are you with me?"

Ruan An boldly touched the stiffness under Lu Wenzhan's body, with a bit of pride on his lips: "Look, you want it too, you use this. You also said that you like me, you can't lie."

Lu Wenzhan looked at Ruan An with crazy eyes: "Don't regret An An."

Ruan An impatiently put his mouth close to his, and said inarticulately, "I want to kiss..."

The only sober string in Lu Wenzhan's mind instantly broke, and he pressed Ruan An's hand on the bed and kissed fiercely with a strong sense of aggression, fierce and urgent.

Lu Wenzhan sucked a few mouthfuls of Ruan An's lips vigorously, until Ruan An got a little numb, he groaned and hid back. Lu Wenzhan pulled out his hand and pressed the back of Ruan An's head to prevent him from escaping, and pushed Ruan An's lips away with his tongue to invade Ruan An. An's mouth, Lu Wenzhan teased Ruan An, snatching all the air from his mouth.

The fish tail and Lu Wenzhan's legs were entangled together, and under the moonlight, they became more obscene, as if they were having sex.

Ruan An's scales opened, and the little dick stood upright between the two of them. Lu Wenzhan held Ruan An's little dick up and down with a chuckle, and Ruan An squinted his eyes and held his head up in enjoyment, calling softly: "Yeah... hurry up... ..."

Lu Wenzhan played with Ruan An's little balls a few times, put his arms beside Ruan An, stared at Ruan An's happy little face, and patted the bed with his tail slightly as if he couldn't bear it.

Ruan An's breathing became more rapid, Lu Wenzhan suddenly went down, Ruan An's little dick seemed to have entered a warm and humid place, Ruan An couldn't hold back the fish's tail and moved upwards, and unexpectedly hit Lu Wenzhan's throat.

Lu Wenzhan's throat contracted quickly, and the sweet smell of Ruan An's body filled his nostrils, and Ruan An was immersed in pleasure: "Ah... so comfortable... no... it's dirty... ah... I'm going to cum... "

Ruan An jerked his dick straight to Lu Wenzhan's throat and ejaculated. It was not until Ruan An finished ejaculating that he spat out his dick and swallowed it in front of Ruan An.

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