First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (2)

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First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (2)
First let me say that I don't give birth to fish cubs (2)
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Yun Lan rushed over immediately after receiving the news, and looked at Lu Wenzhan anxiously: "What's going on, who leaked the news?"

Lu Wenzhan snorted coldly: "The whole Yulian belongs to the royal family, what do you think?" Yun Lan gritted her teeth angrily: "What is this, killing a donkey? A bunch of useless things in the royal family really think that the planet can survive without you." Against the Zerg? A bunch of idiots!"

Lu Wenzhan didn't care at all, he dedicated his all to this planet that gave birth to him and raised him, even if he lost his life in the end, he was willing to do so.

It's just that the stupid royal family is really not worth working for them.

Although Lu Wenzhan immediately covered Ruan An's face, some media released Ruan An's photo.

In the photo, Ruan An looked at the people outside with his eyes wide open in amazement, his small hands tightly clutching Lu Wenzhan's clothes, his golden pupils and fishtails all showed his nobility, and his black hair was the ancient one that people sought after now. lineage.

"Oh my god, this is the most beautiful mermaid I've ever seen. It's so cute (❤ ω ❤)"

"Add one upstairs, it's no loss that it's Colonel Lu's mermaid! It's even more beautiful than Princess Daishan's mermaid!"

"Colonel Lu? Is it the Colonel Lu we know? Isn't he the legendary mermaid killer? How could he have mermaids?"

"Warning from the title upstairs~ It's just that this mermaid is not as beautiful as Princess Daishan's mermaid? The princess's fish is the most beautiful!"

"Idiot fans! Why are the reviews on the Internet so bad for the colonel?"

"You are stupid upstairs. How long has the royal family been jealous of the colonel? Has the reputation changed in a year or two? By the way, the colonel will be 30 years old next year. This mermaid came at a good time."

"One thing to say, the colonel's mermaid is so cute, when will we see the real one?"

Lu Wenzhan shut down the smart brain, no matter what the black fans bought by the royal family said, Yun Lan used the trumpet to yell at people for 300 rounds on the smart brain before shutting it down angrily.

Colonel Lu treated the mail from the royal family as spam, and the maid came in with an embarrassed look and said, "My lord, the second prince of the royal family is here."

Lu Wenzhan played with Ruan An calmly for a while, put him in the water tank, tidied his clothes, and then slowly went out to meet the second prince.

Dai Ka waited in the hall for a long time before he saw Lu Wenzhan who came late, and stood up with a smile to shake hands with him. Lu Wenzhan sat down and smiled as if he didn't see him: "Sit down, Your Highness."

Daika's smile faded a bit, and he sat on the sofa and said, "Father learned that the colonel got a mermaid, so he sent me to take a look."

Lu Wenzhan lazily raised his hand and told the maid: "Have a cup of coffee." Turning to look at Deka, with a smirk on his face: "Continue."

Daika's smile froze on his face, he gritted his teeth secretly, and smiled brightly: "But Colonel, you still have to follow the law. Only those chosen by mermaids are eligible to raise them. I wonder when Colonel will have time?"

Lu Wenzhan took a sip of coffee calmly, stared at Deka with a smile and said, "What if I say no?"

The smile on Dai Ka's face completely disappeared, Lu Wenzhan looked at him sullenly, and Lu Wenzhan suddenly smiled and said, "Just kidding."

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