“You're so adorable, my wife,” he uttered to me. “Like a pup,” he added and continue pinching my cheeks.

I was hurting and in the feeling of pain but I didn't mind it. As long as Mr. Foster is happy, I don't mind it at all. He never experienced being a child, besides he is hurting me on an adorable reason. Mr. Foster stopped and smiled at me.

“I'll be right back,” Mr. Foster uttered to me.

I simply nodded at him. I thought he's going to go to his Uncles and Cousins but I was wrong, he went on my parents and help them cooked. Before he left me here, he take off the vest he is wearing, and left his tie and white long sleeve on. He's so sweet and also hot at the same time. I was simply looking at him while he is having fun with my family. Someone suddenly knocked on the door. I approached and opened it.
The moment I opened it, the quietness of parents home disappeared and replaced with noises. Uncle Zion was holding a champagne and some of them are holding pastries. All of them waved at me, and I let them inside. They greeted my family, Uncle Zion even hugged my father. It looks they are getting along. They put all of their things that they brought.

“Kindly go to the pool area, there's a huge table there. We will having lunch on there,” my mother uttered to them.

All of them completely nodded and proceed to the pool area. My father followed them. It looks like they are having talks. My love dads to talk about some things. It looks my two family are getting along. Getting along that makes me left out. I have nothing to do here but to look. I'm kinda okay with it. I stand up and decided to explore the penthouse. It's already huge, it’s like the half of Mr. Foster's house. I wondered what would be family status if Mr. Foster didn't help us.

“Lev, why are you here?” someone on my back asked to me.

I looked back and it was Mr. Foster. He approached me and gets close to me. He hold on my cheeks and makes me look up so I can look at him. He smiled at me.

“Your parents are finding you,” he uttered to me. “We're gonna eat,” he added.

I completely nodded at him. I simply followed him and the pool area is huge. There is a big pool, and lot of things. Mr. Foster was holding my hands. There's a lot of foods was prepared for us, different cooks and also fruits. There’s a space that was saved for the both of us. We sat on those seat. Mr. Foster's family was about to eat when their Uncle Zion signed a prayer hand. All of them was blaming each other who took a bite.

I wasn't able to hear their prayers because I was so distracted. I don't know why makes me distracted, am I tired? I got enough sleep. Maybe this feeling, is just new to me. I always do something when it in front of my parents but this time, they are treating me like a princess. Maybe they are shy to me because I already did big to them. My father suddenly raised his glass of champagne.

“I want to make a toast,” my father uttered.

He looked at me before saying anything. He was simply giving me a sweet smile. I responded his smiles with also a sweet smile.

“I would like to thank my son for all of the things he did to us. We love you, Lev. Words isn't enough to thank you,” my father uttered. “And also to Kendrick. Thank you for loving my son, for treating him like your own queen. I wished the both of you will have a happy married life,” he added.

I was simply smiling. I looked at Mr. Foster and I saw that tears are dropping from his eyes. All of us took a cheers. We started to eat. I wiped Mr. Foster’s tears and he simply looked at me.

“Tss. I can't believe you are seeing me cry,” he uttered to me.

Mr. Foster offered me a spoonful of stew which I ate. It's delicious and reminds me of every Saturday when I'm with my parents. I always remember the things we are doing. And now, we are still doing this but a huger family. I looked at Mr. Foster's family and all of them were so amazed by the taste of the food. Well, I got my cooking skills from my mother, she's the one who taught me how to cook. She always say to me, the way to a man's heart is his stomach.

Everyone started to enjoy their meal, all of them were so quiet and the only thing you can hear is the utensils. Mr. Foster looked at them with a disgusted face.

“Tss. All of you are rich, haven't all of you eaten for months?” Mr. Foster asked to them.

All of them was simply eating and ignored Mr. Foster. Mr. Foster simply sighed and smirked. I can see on their faces that they are enjoying. They decided that they will have a swim, so they can pass the time. Mr. Foster brought them a swim wear. Mr. Foster asked me to join them but I simply declined. I was simply looking at them. When Mr. Foster suddenly undress himself that causes me to tint.

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