Chapter 86

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“Don't you dare lie to me.” he growled, voice low.

I gulped, my heart racing with fear. His glare could kill me since my entire body felt numb. My lower lip was trembling and no words came out of my mouth. Like really, what could I say? Lies? No, that would make things worse. The truth? Oh God, I was so screwed.

“Little bitchy you know, sneaking out of the house behind my back.” he remarked, voice laced with anger.

“Little stupid you know, telling an adult what to do in her own house!” I yelled, my frozen blood starting to boil now.

His nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw. “You're the stupid one here, Rebecca!” he yelled back, throwing his hand in the air next to my head. “You always act like you know everything when you clearly have no idea what the fuck is going on!”

My breath hitched and a small jolt of hurt was sent through me but I ignored it. “You're the one that acts to know everything!” I scowled.

“I don't act! I know!” he shouted, vain popping out on his neck.

Fuck, that's hot.

Get your shit together.

“No you don't! You think you know what I want and what I feel but you know nothing!” I moved my hands in the air, widening my eyes at him.

“You yourself don't know what you want, Rebecca.” he shot, his tone harsh.

I let a humorless laugh. “How typical of you, always giving me the blame.”

“I'm fucking trying to protect you!” he hissed, taking a step closer to me.

“You better stop treating me like a child though.” I snapped, glaring up at him.

“Look at you,” he threw his hands towards me. “You act like a fucking child, how do you expect me to treat you?” he scolded.

I fisted my palms, growing angrier with each word he says. “You obviously don't know anything about me.” I said boldly, shaking my head in dissapointment, my eyes never leaving his angry ones.

“Don't take it there,” he warned, giving me a serious stare. “The point is you never listen to me. How do you expect me to believe you when you keep doing such things behind my back?!” his voice was escalating once again.

“You have to trust me and let me go out! You can't keep me in here, Harry. I'm not staying here.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“For once, let go of your stubborness and listen to me! That's what you did with the club and you were attacked! Imagine what could happen if you go out today while I'm at practise?” he was so mad at me, I could see it in his green eyes.

“We can't live with fear. Harry, I want to live normally, why can't you understand that?!” I sighed out of frustration.

He took a deep breath. “Go to your room, Rebecca. You're not going anywhere.” he demanded, pointing at the stairs.

I scoffed. “It's my house.”

“I don't give a fuck, go to your room right now!” he shouted, causing me to flinch.

Annoyed and frustrated that he wouldn't give up, I let an angry sound from my lips and turned around, heading upstairs. I was beyond mad at him. He did not only screw my mood, but made me feel helpless.

I knew that if I tried to leave the house right after he leaves, it would be much worse. Sighing in defeat, I kicked off my boots and jumped on the bed, hiding my face in a pillow and groaning loudly.

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