Chapter 56

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This time, I was determined to go into that house and fight for my freedom. This time, I was the one that was increasing the speed so we could get there faster. I just wanted to feel free again as soon as possible.

Even though I was not that scared like the last time, Harry was still the one that was leading. Holding my hand in a tight grip, he walked in a quick pace that matched with mine, eyes scanning every tree and brows pulled low.

When the house came to view though I felt the fear growing bigger into the pit of my stomach. Gulping, I tried to ignore it and be brave, for once. I just wanted this to end.

“Ready?” Harry whispered and glanced down at me.

“Yes.” I answered, giving him a small nod.

He nodded and lead me to the front door. The second we stepped in, the door shut closed behind us and made me jump, my heart already racing with fear. Harry turned his head to look at the door and then around the room, looking for Louis.

“You came back, I see,” he said skeptically, black smole gathering at the bottom of the stairs.

Clenching my teeth to stop the fear and anxiety, I tightened my grip on Harry's hand. Louis appeared as the same black figure, only that I saw no eyes this time.

“What's wrong with your eyes?” Harry asked curious.

“Nothing you should be worried about.” Louis snapped.

“Louis, you know I'm always worried about you.” Harry stated.

“Yeah right,” Louis sarcastically said. “That's why you're holding her hand.”

I opened my mouth to argue with him but I was interrupted by Harry speaking first.

“The fact that I'm holding her hand doesn't mean I'm not worried about you. You're still my brother.”

“Shut up!” Louis yelled and Harry was suddenly thrown against the wall, his hand slipping from the grip.

“Harry!” I shouted and ran towards him but came to a halt when my feet stood frozen on the ground.

“What the hell..” I muttered, staring with confusion at the floor.

My legs were frozen, stuck, numb. I couldn't conrol it. It was like I was under a spell and I knew that Louis was the wizzard.

“Don't you dare say I'm your brother after what you did to me.” Louis growled and I turned my head to see him coming closer to me.

Droplets of blood fell on the wooden floor as the figure got closer. It didn't have legs, it was in the air. The thing is, the blood was still black.

“Louis, you're not yourself anymore.” Harry spit reluctantly.

“I'm not myself anymore?” Louis repeated incredulosly. “What an irony, Harry..”

“But Louis—“

“Shut up!” Louis' loud shout brought so much pain to my ears that I had to cover them with my hands. “You forgot who you are, Harry. You forgot everything.”

“No Louis. You forgot who you are. You turned into this,” Harry said with disgust as he scrunched his lips.

“I'm just trying to protect you, you fool!” Louis spat. He was only two feet away from me.

“From what? From you? Because you're the only threat.”

“I'm not the threat, Harry.” Louis spoke surprisingly calmly. “But she is.”

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