Chapter 148

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Rebecca's POV:

I walked quietly through the woods, pushing some branches off my way. I didn't want to make any noise, fearing the demon might hear me and find me. I had to go back to Harry, but it was difficult since I didn't even know where I was.

I heard someone crying, making me come to a halt. I crouched down and listened closely, trying to recognize the voice and where it came from. I furrowed my brows when I heard another muffled voice speaking. I stood up and slowly started walking again, following the voices that got louder and louder.

I found a wooden stick on the ground and picked it up in case the voices are the demon messing with me. I raised the stick in the air when I was two feet away and got out of the big bush, revealing myself to the voices. A scream was heard at my sudden appearance and my eyes widened when I saw it was Calum, Grace and Ashton sitting down, hiding.

“Rebecca?” Ashton breathed, giving me a bewildered look.

I sighed out of relief and lowered the stick. “God, it's you.” I mumbled, walking towards them.

“A-are you okay? How did you escape?” Calum asked, placing a hand on my shoulder when I sat down next to him.

“I'm fine. He didn't hurt me.” I replied, running a hand through my wet hair.

“What?” they all said the same time, giving me weird and confused looks. I noticed Grace's green eyes were puffy and bloodshoot, probably from the crying. The sight of my best friend being like that broke my heart.

“It's complicated.” I sighed again, shaking my head and looking down.

“What do you mean it's complicated?” Ashton pressed.

A small wave of frustration washed through me and I looked up at him with my lips pursed tightly. He got the message and nodded, dropping the subject. Grace sniffled and sighed across from me, her blonde hair a little messy. Calum was staring down at a rock, thinking about something. It felt weird, being all together again after so long. Things could've turned differently if I had gotten out of my hiding spot that night, and I would probably end up dead, too.

“Is there any way we can escape?” Grace murmured. She looked at me with worry in her eyes, a hint of hope flashing behind them.

I wanted to tell her that there is a way they can all escape, but I wasn't completely sure if it was going to happen. I gave her a sad smile and her eyes started watering again. I've never seen Grace so..weak. She was always confident and strong whilst I was always the weak awkward girl following from behind when she walked. But after everything I've been through, I came to be stronger than the three of them.

“We're screwed,” she murmured, her voice cracking. Ashton wrapped his arm around her and brought her closer to him, trying to comfort her.

“That fucker has to die.” Ashton said coldly. Frustration flooded through me at the fact that Ashton called Harry 'fucker', but I ignored it.

“Did you see his eyes?” Calum said, looking up at Ashton with wide brown eyes. “They were black dude, like the whole eye.”

“I saw it.” Ashton nodded. “He was scary,”

“He was.” Grace sniffled, leaning her head against Ashton's shoulder.

“Do you know where he is now?” I asked, gaining their attention.

They all gave me weird looks. “Why would you care?” Calum asked.

“I have to go find him.”

“What?!” Grace shrieked.

“Are you crazy?!” Ashton hissed.

“What the hell?!” Calum gave me a bewildered look.

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