Chapter 139

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Rebecca's POV:

"Harry?" I whispered, looking around at the dark streets.

The cold night seems scary and lonely. My brows were pullow low over my eyes as I tried to find Harry. The silence has my stomach twisted into tiny knots, anxiety and nervoussness ruling in there. I saw from the corner of my eye a shadow moving, making me gulp.

"Harry," I mumbled, scared that if I raise the volume of my voice someone might hear me.

I came to an abrupt halt when I saw a guy standing meters away from me, underneath the streetlight. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hoodie, all of his clothes black. I saw a knife glistening in his hand, bringing my heart up to my throat.

Shit. Run! Just as I was about to take a step back, he started running towards me, making fear course my body. I turned around to run but a hand was pressed against my mouth and a strong arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

I struggled to free myself, screaming in the guy's palm. Tears stung into my eyes when my attempts to push him away failed miserably. I didn't stop though. I saw something glistening and my eyes landed on the knife coming closer to me.

My eyes widened, fear making my heart hammering wildly in my chest. I tried to kick the guy but ended kicking the air, knowing that the guy avoided my attack. I stared with horror at the knife before it stabbed my side.

A loud, muffled scream came from my lungs, hot tears rolling down my cheeks, burning my skin. The pain was indescribable, my blood escaping my wound quickly. The guy let go of me and my body fell on the hard ground with a loud thud.

I cried loudly, screaming and groaning as I tried to take every painfulfm feeling out. I squeezed my eyes shut and hissed when a terrible jolt of pain hit me. I gritted my teeth as I wrapped my hands around the knife and pulled it out, screaming in the process. I gasped for air, feeling my wound hurting me even more than before.

I opened my eyes and saw that I'm not in the streets anymore. I was in a dusty, dark room with wooden floor and walls. I felt something sticky around my arm, making me furrow my brows. My eyes snapped to the side to see something long, black with deep green circles on it wrapped around my arm.

A head and yellow eyes with vertical pupils popped up, making me scream. I whipped my arms around, trying to push the snake away from me. My shaky hands moved to my arm and I moved away from the snake when it finally fell on the floor. That scary sound of their forked tongue surrounded me and soon, more snakes started moving around me.

I looked around with stained cheeks, trying to find a way to escape, but the room didn't have any windows or doors. Frustration and shock flooded through me as the snakes started climbing up some dusty chairs and small tables.

My eyes were ready to pop out when I saw spiders coming down from the ceiling, their webs covering most of the room. Their red multiple eyes made me scream, desperate to escape this hell. I kicked a snake when it was about to wrap its sticky body around my leg and backed away, using my hands flat and my feet on the floor. My movements caused pain to course my body, but I didn't care at the moment.

I suddenly touched something, a fabric. I turned my head to see a body lying on the floor, blood covering he's clothes. His dark hair was messy and his arms covered his face as he lied, seeming weak and tortured.

My heart fell down to my stomach when I recognized the tanned skin and dark hair. My hand hesitentaly reached forward to touch his hand, not sure if I should do it or not. Taking a shakey breath, I placed my hand on his shoulder, feeling the cold skin against my touch.

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