Chapter 137

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I enjoyed it so much while writing this long chapter! Probably one of my faves! ;)

New goal: 970K reads before chapter 43

Can we please comment a lot?? :D


Rebecca's POV:

The constant beep made me groan and squeeze my eyes shut. I hated that sound so much. I heard the door open and high heels clicking against the floor, making my brows furrow.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped loudly when I took in my surrounding. My heart stopped beating and my stomach was twisted upside down. My eyes were ready to pop out as I stared at Hannah writing on her pad right across from me, wearing her white robe.

“Hannah?” I asked shocked, my voice small.

Her blue eyes moved from the pad to me, a small appearing on her lips. “Hey honey, how do you feel?” she asked, walking towards me.

“Why am I here?” I asked, ignoring her question.

She frowned and stopped a feet away from me. “What do you mean why are you here?”

“What am I doing here?” I asked, looking around at the hospital room, my chest tightening.

“You had an accident, don't you remember?” she said, frowning deeper.

“I-I..what?” I stammered, giving her a confused look. “Wait, where's Harry?” I asked, worry coursing me.

She gave me a weird look. “Who's Harry?”

My eyes widened. “What...” I murmured, trying to understand what the hell is going on. The beeping of the electronic systems next to me brought me headache and the corner of my eyes started to burn with tears.

“Dear, what's wrong?” she asked sloftly, taking a step closer to me.

“Where's Harry?!” I suddenly shout, making her jump and give me a bewildered look.

“Calm down,” she said, raising her hands in a calming gesture. She took a step closer to me and I shook my head furiously.

“No! Tell me where's Harry! He came—I know he did!” I yelled, my throat feeling tight.

“Nobody came in here, sweetie. Only me, Stefan and the doctor.” she said lowly.

“No, no, no! You're lying!” I seethed, tears ready to fall.

I looked down at my injured arms and noticed my wounds and bruises. My teary eyes widened and jolts of pain hit me hard, fear and shock flooding through me.

I tried to stand up but failed. I stared shocked at my dead legs, the memory of the car accident and my disability flashing behind my eyes, bringing an invisible knife to my heart. My body started to shake as the tears streamed down my cheeks, realization slapping me hard on the face.

“Oh no..” I whispered whimpering, never moving my gaze from my legs.

It all felt so unreal. A heavy pressured appeared on my shoulders as I cried, wanting nothing more but to lock myself somewhere dark and stay there for the rest of my life. Hannah came and sat next to me, reaching to take my hand.

“No,” I moved away from her hand, giving her a pained look. Sadness flashed behind her blue eyes. “This can't be happening...” I whispered.

“Sweetie, I know it's hard..” she said gently, standing up.

“I need to find Harry,” I ignored her and tried to stand up, shifting myself as I had my palms flat on the mattress.

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