75.) Just the Three of Us

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His head cocked to the side in a quick motion. I often forgot that he was a dragon, when it was just the two of us all the differences fell away. He was my very tall husband, who spent most of his time either in a state if undress or pelting me with questions.

But then he would move in a way that would remind me of just how different we are. You would think the tail or the horns would be a constant reminder but after awhile its normal. There was a light purple brusing across his abdomen and when he turned I noticed another larger bruise on his back.

"Come if you're, comming." He said stepping out of the room his tail knocked the door open wider.

I let out a sigh of frustration. Is that how it's going to be? If I follow I might get an answer, if I stay I wont. I pushed my frustration through the bond hoping he felt it before waddling after him.

How does he even know where were going? I hadnt even been to any 9f the rooms other than the bedroom and hes moving with such speed and purpose, it's like he had been living here all along.

"Wait for me, I'm comming." I said holding on to the railing. The swelling had numbed the sensation and I walked with the stumbling steps of feet that were asleep.

Cerastes stopped a distance away watching my slow progress of following after him. Before he took two steps and came back.

"Hold him." He said handing me our baby. He squirmed lightly in my arms as Cerastes positioned my arms around the baby to his satisfaction.

"Dont drop him." He said picking me up.

"I know how to hold a baby, I have held alot of them." I asserted with a hint of a tone.

"I never said you didnt, just be careful." He said tightening his grip as he walked with an even soft step.

Cerastes walked down the wooden stairs and then turned to the hallway to his right. The hallways had lights along the ceiling like our previous home, and worn carpet that had started to meld into the stone but I began to notice the coolness in temperature was less.

The bath was at the end of the hall. But it looked nothing like Lord Pyros' bath.

"Wow." I said suprized. "Its so different." I had felt a rising anxiety as we came to the door thinking about how seeing a similiar bath would cause me to relive sad memories. but all of those feelings drifted away when we entered the bath. Nothing about it was remotely like the bath we had been using before.

The lighting was brighter. The pillars were uniformed and smooth. The area of water was enclosed in a single area rather than being like a submerged hallway.

"I was fortunate to have been bestowed accomidations that had been renovated for guests." He said pleased. " and now that I'm a recognized member I can use all the features."

"There is alot of...wood." I grasped for a compliment.

"Yes, It should keep the wing warm and show my status well." He placed us down on the side of the pool.

"Why doesnt your uncle have a nice wing?" I asked.

"He receives money but rather than renovations, he would just rather spend it on his research." He replied walking into the pool and disappearing under the surface. 

"You never told me that lord Pyros was your uncle." I grumbled when he resurfaced. Red slitted eyes appeared just above the water, reflecting against its surface. He swam to the edge and propped himself up on the stone side.

"Would it have changed anything?" He replied reaching for Vihar.

"I dont think you understand how important he is to us, or was, to my family I mean." I passed Vihar down gently removing the blanket he was wrapped in and set it aside. "For many years my mother couldnt even have children, but after Lord Pyros blessed my parents with a safe home everything changed. A barren woman gave birth to multitudes, average goats grew thick soft membranes of fur that helped provide for us, crops never had a bad year, but that wasnt the most startling. Our bodies are better than the average person; theres no sickness, or death. We remained young looking for longer, our bodies were stronger."

And yet with all of those blessings we failed to protect our home, I thought.

Cerastes cradled our baby in the crook of his arm and carefully splashed water over his back.

"When he returns I'll make sure you meet him. If it will satisfy you." He replied.

"I'd really like that." I said, as I dipped my swollen feet into the pool. I had expected the water to be cold but it was actually very warm.

Vihar had stopped wiggling his tiny nails had raked across Cerastes arms but left none of the red scratches that he had left on me. He layed Vihar on his back in the water and he relaxed into his bath. So cute.

Cerastes dripped water on to his closed eyes to soften the somewhat goopy mucus substance that had kept his eyes closed all this time.

"Why is that stuff on him?" I asked craning to see the process.

"Its to protect the eyes and wings in the egg. In the past it would have been left to hardened and flaked off over time but it's become a custom to wash it off after hatching and I want to be the first thing he sees." He answered as he delicately wiped the dripped water from Vihars eye lids with the heel of his hand. 

Maybe he was not always the most forthcoming husband but he doted on his family. A concerned husband, a loving father. I felt almost guilty for being angry with him when he was being this sweet to our son. Growing up in the family he did, how could he make such an adoring expression. 

The frustration from all the difficult things started to melt away.

"Most babys come out looking like sweet potatoes but isnt our boy really pretty? It must be because of all this hair" I kicked my feet lightly under the water.

"He was more than what I could have hoped for." He said flipping him over to work on removing the membrane from his back. He slowly stroked the edges with the palm of his hand, loosening the translucent edges.

"Do you think the one before would have been this pretty?" The thought popped out of my mouth before I had realized it.

He stopped wiping.
"The brooding phase wasnt viable. Nothing would have come of it." He said solemnly. "Vihar is here, dont worry about things that couldnt have been."

"You said we were incompatible." My eyes bored into his.

"Humans and dragons are incompatible." He agreed. "And yet we have an offspring."

"Why is that. If it hadnt worked before why does it work now?"

"I suppose we both will have a reason to speak with Pyros returns."  He sighed continuing his task. "He is going to be enthralled with this hatchling when he returns." He smiled again.

Vihar made soft mewling squeals  when his wings were freed, his black tail whipped about and his wings sprawled and flapped chaotically, splashing water in all directions.

A low thrum of a pur erupted from Cerastes throat. He hugged the babe to his chest. Vihars head nuzzled into Cerastes neck and his thrashing subsided.

"Did his eyes open yet?" I asked.

"Not yet." He said comming to the edge. Towels had been placed in stacks all around the pool.
"Let's see if we can remedy that."

He grabbed a towel an layed it across the stone floor he unattached Vihar from his neck and layed him flat on his belly against Vihars wishes. He squirmed and protested his displeasure with tiny grunting sounds.

He was bound in the towel, resembling a catipilliar as he squirmed. After he was rolled up neatly Cerastes grabbed another towel and began rubbing Vihars eyes with the towel between his knuckles.

Vihar scrunched his eyes and furrowed his brow trying to get away from the towel. When he finally opened his eyes blinking rapidly, shrinking from the light.


Very red.

Unmistakably red.

"I dont know to feel relieved or regretful for him." Cerastes declared raising Vihar up to his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If he would have hatched with dark eyes he would have been flawless in every aspect but he was born with off colored eyes and yet I'm pleased because now no one can question that hes mine."

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