47.) Exposed

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"If it's enough for you to cause this level of a disterbance it must be something worth taking. Whatever your concealing give it to me." Dante ordered, gesturing at the head that filled the black carriage.

Cerastes was quiet a moment as if to weigh his options.

"I wont ask again." Dante warned, creeping closer. A big cat preparing to pounce.

Cerastes let out a defeated sigh.

He reached behind him, into his shirt and pulled out a sword. The blade was black and smooth like glass. The fire light from the wall fluttered across its surface. This was different than the bronze swords that the soldiers carried.

Dragonkin do not carry weapons. Weapons were for weak humans who lacked the basic body parts for protection. What reason would a dragonkin  have to carry a weapon when claws and fangs were much more effective.

No human blade was strong enough to scratch dragon scales, or penetrate their strong hides. A sword might as well be a tree branch.

Cerastes held the sword out for Dante to take.

"The rebels have a new kind of weapon." Cerastes explained.

Dante looked disappointed taking the sword. He had expected something great for his effort and been given a shiny stick.

"Is that all? Did you think you would present it to father and recieve his praise." Dante scoffed.
He rolled the blade in his black clawed hand.

"Useless Cerastes, always chasing Fathers tail, what interest would the High Lord have in human toys." He scorned.

Dante let out a gasp and nearly dropped the object. The sword had given him the equivalent of a paper cut.

"This isnt possible?" Dante whispered looking at the small cut with shock. He squinted down at Cerastes.
"Are there more?" He asked in a icy voice.

"Under my carriage." He replied.

"Idiot." Dante bellowed. Sending a swipe across Cerastes ribs. Cerastes face contorted in pain but he did not cry out or try to escape the blow.

"You should have reported this to me immediately! Wasting my time with ..offerings!" Dante yelled with disgust.

The towel attendant ran up to offer a second towel to Dante. Dante wiped off Cerastes blood a second time.

"Search under the carriage and bring all of the weapons to the Heads' rooms!" Dante yelled to his private guard, switching to the humans language.

"Sort out the supplies, Ill expect a detailed report on my desk before dawn. Cerastes... this sort of incident better not happen again." Dante warned with a glare.

Cerastes merely stood at attention looking ahead, as his eldest brother carried the sword in his clawed hand towards the gates.

Hed done it. Hed pulled the wool over the eldests eyes. He suppressed the desire to smile.

Of course he hadnt realized that the rebel weapons he had collected could cut dragon flesh, why would he think to check? They had merely been unusual looking. It would have been a great thing to present to his father but what he had kept was even better.

He glanced back to where the woman sat on the horse. Even in the low light of the wall, Cerastes could see her fearful expression and sensed her anxiety rolling through the bond.

Despite the pain from his injuries he felt relieved that everything had gone better than expected. He let go of his the stress and tried to ignore the womans anxiety in the back of his mind.

"Move up." He yelled and the procession began to amble through the gates as if nothing had happened. He still had work to do.

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