67.) The Second Try

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*Authors note*
Hello everyone! I'm going to start makeing my chapters a little bit longer after today. Not sure whether or not to complete the story all in one book. Or break it in to two pieces. Tell me what you would like, I love your comments.

As days passed and my pregnancy progressed my body changed. My nails chipped, my skin dried out to the point it cracked in places, and my thick wavy brown hair fell out in clumps.

Cerastes spent almost all his time with me, which at first was great but then I started to notice things. I hated the near constant scratching of notes and how he kept asking me the same questions over and over and OVER AND OVER All NIGHT!

My breasts hurt as if a clamped hand was squeezing from the inside and my fry skin itched. When I scratched Cerastes would use that tone and tell me not to scratch. Does he not understand that I wouldnt if I could! My elbows were nearly raw.

"Are you hungry?" He asked sitting at his desk. Tapping away.

I was about to refuse when a grumble erupted from my stomach.

"I'll be right back dont move." He said getting up. His white hair hung loose past his shoulders and for some reason he had started wearing his pants in the house. He seemed thrilled about the baby but why did he start wearing clothes all the sudden?

Two months In and I still havent layed an egg which I am really happy about. I have nightmares about trying to give birth to an egg and it breaking or getting stuck. Cerastes has assured me that when the egg is laid it is somewhat malleable untill it hardens so I dont need to stress about it but i do. Three or five more months of this if the babys like him, seven if it's like me.

I rubbed my little belly bump. It was really early to have a bump so this baby will probably take after his father right?

What should we name this baby.
Names are really important. You carry them for a life time. I prayed silently that this one would make it to birth.

The door opened startling me from my thoughts. My husband brought a tray from the kitchen containing only meat and a cup of water. The meat still had steam comming off of it and the smell wafted in the air.

"It is warm so eat it after it cools." He said placing the tray on the bed.

I could obviously see that it was hot, so I was a little annoyed about his remark. I did my best not to snap at him. He helping. Hes helping I reminded myself.

I sat up and put my hands in my lap.
"Have you thought about names yet?" I asked.

"Names?" He repeated.

"For the baby." I said patting my stomach.

"The offspring hasnt been hatched yet. It's still much to early." He shook his head.

"We can think up a name for a girl and for a boy. That way it's ready whenever the time comes. It seems weird to just call It the baby." I said taking a drink of the water.

"Even offspring that hatch dont always survive the first month. It is best to keep your expectations beneath you." He said seriously.

"I want to pick names." I asserted.

"If it makes you happy." He sighed.

"Mmm how are children named in your family?" I asked sitting back.

"My father named all of his children." He said dryly.

"My mother named her children after plants hoping they would put down roots. I think she must have really hated being a traveler." I supplied.

"The one called Whistle?" He asked carving off a sliver of meat and blowing on it.

"No THISTLE." I enunciated.

"Open." He raised the piece to my mouth.

I took the bite and chewed. "We could start with girl names."

"Dont talk with your mouth full." Cerastes ordered. "And it's going to be a male." He said with certainty.

I almost lost the food in my mouth.
"Husband! How do you know? Can you see in there?!?" I asked shocked.

He scoffed. "No I cannot see in there. The hatchlings are always males these days."

"That doesnt mean anything. It could be a girl." I said covering my mouth.

"It will be a male." He asserted.

"I thought you didnt care what we had but you most really want a boy." I grinned.

"A female would be best but any hatchling is better than no hatchling." He disagreed.

"I wonder what it will look like, a girl that looked like you would be pretty." I mused.

"Dont say that." He said in a serious tone.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Desiring the hatchling to be off colored, I won't hear of it." He said standing up.

"Off colored?"

"Do you want my offspring to be ostracized as well?"


"This hatchling will have enough difficulties with its parentage than to add on with its appearance!" He said angrily.

"Where are you going?" I asked.


The door closed behind him abruptly.

The wooden tray was still heavy with meat. He hadn't eaten any of it. How is it that I'm the one who is pregnant but hes the on edge. I ate what was left of the meat and put the tray on the floor outside the room.

I felt the urge to relieve myself when my feet touched the cold floor. I made my way down the dimly lit hall to the toilet, sparring a glance for the room next to it. The bath. Getting close to the door I could smell a faint hint of mildew, and feel the cold wet air on my skin. I felt anxious just being outside the door, like I might find the creature from my nightmare on the other side of the door waiting in the water.

I relieved myself and walked quickly down the hall and back to the room. It felt safe to be back in the room with its warmth and familiar smell.
I climbed back into bed and rolled into cocoon to sleep.

I woke to the sound of the door closing. He must be back.
"Did you catch anything good?" I asked from inside the cocoon of blankets.

I felt hands unwrapping my tight fortress with force but the face that greeted me was not my husbands.

"I believe so." Dante grinned.

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