48.) Accommodation

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(Some mountain keep vibes)

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(Some mountain keep vibes)

(Rowan pv)

We had just stopped and I felt bumpy flesh raise on my arms. My throat fell into my stomach. I must just be nervous but the longer we waited the worse the feeling became.

It was dark and I had been told to keep my head down, which wasnt a big ask, especially when I had already failed to not draw attention to myself during the day.

It was a reflex! Some combination of peripheral movement, nerves, and an unknown sound.
A quick peek.

His face!
Sliced cleanly from under his eye to nose, in four deep lines across his cheek.

I quickly looked back down.

What happened!? His face hadnt been like that before. I hadnt heard screams from an attack like during the day and even then Cerastes was unscathed! The only thing that could harm a dragon is... another dragon...

I swallowed the bile back down my throat.

Is this what he was talking about earlier? Why I needed to hide? He said he couldnt protect me if they wanted me but I didnt think that his brothers would actually harm him.

Did they smell me on him? Is his face like that because they know? I stiffened.

The mare under me shifted her weight. My half mask felt warm on my face when I breathed. I had been positioned directly behind the carriage where the scent would be strongest, soldiers were posted beside and behind me.

I could hear two voices speaking but the language! Strange words spoken in deep tones. It was mixed with throaty growls, the sound set my nerves on edge.

A second peek.

An imposing figure stalked Cerastes.

I had that Cerastes was big, he was certainly taller than me. But this, this was the tallest person I'd ever seen.

Father had always described Pyros as having wings but after meeting Cerastes I wasnt so sure he remembered it right.

dark hair and skin. Two horns that curved and extended up, just below his wings height. Wings made of night.

I was certain that despite the similarity of fathers description that this, creature, could never be our kind lord. I felt cold looking at him. If he set his eyes on me would my breathe freeze in my lungs.

I knew with absolute certainty that he was the one that hurt Cerastes.

'They are all terrible in different ways' wasnt that how he explained it? If all of Cerastes' family was like this, I didnt want to meet them.

The closer they came the more nervous I felt.
I can't draw attention to myself! He might already know I'm here. Just trust Cerastes! No matter what I will follow the plan this time.

I flinched when I heard the sound of the carriage door opening.

Despite the movement and sound I did not look up. I closed my eyes and convinced myself I wasnt here, I was some where els entirely.

Laying in a field of grass with the loud bleating of fluff goats meandering about. It was a calm day and..

"Search under the carriage and bring all of the weapons to the heads rooms!" The male shouted.

His voice made me shiver out of my fantasy. He was leaving? Just like that, I thought suprized. 

Relief and maybe satisfaction coursed through me. I could understand the relief but... satisfaction?

How could he feel satisfied in this situation? Sure me may be getting away with this but hes bleeding. On his face! Does he not care about being scarred for life!? That he lives with a family that would do this to him?

I was about to get off my horse and see about him but I was stopped by Marrow. Who shook his head in a brief no.

"Move up!" Cerastes ordered.

Just like that we were moving again. I hope the hardest part is behind us.

This gate lead directly into the mountain. It was entirely stone inside. The temperature felt cooler in the tunnel, and the air tasted dry and slightly stale.
The path was well lit. A wooden door dropped into place, closing off the exit. The sound of wagond and hooves on stone reverberated in the enclosed space.

After a short distance the space opened up into a circular room with a high vaulted ceiling. Wide stairs wrapped around the walls allowing access to rooms.

When the procession stopped the  soldiers broke off from the procession. Dismounting as attendants dressed in muted grey, came to take the horses away. Silently, Marrow gestured with a flick of his neck for me to follow him.

While the attendants and Cerastes stayed behind, Marrow led me down a long corridor. As we progressed the path became increasingly more dark. Leaving the wide grand hall way, we entered into a smaller one. It was just big enough that two people could pass through if they stood shoulder to shoulder.

I tripped on an uneven section of floor. In my suprize, I reached out to grab on to Marrow so that I wouldnt fall on the dark path, he jolted away in suprize.

"Marrow?" I whispered, "where are you?" I extended my hand. Waving it around to find his person.

"Please dont touch me, just make do by following the sound of my foot steps." He requested.

It seemed like an odd request but maybe he was just the type that didnt like to be touched. I tried my best to do as he asked but I still stumbled in places. I skimmed my hand against the wall as I walked to prevent falling as much as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity climbing stairs in the dark. I saw a slight crease of light up ahead. Marrows figure was now distinguishable. I climbed the steps more eagerly. Catching up to him.

He gestured for me to be quiet. Placing his finger to his lips. He crept to the edge of the wall blanket and opened it slightly surveying the outside.

When he was sure that there was no one near he cupped his hand, and gestured for me to follow.

It was another grand hall. With a rug that never ended. Marrow moved quickly and quietly. I was quick but not as quiet, passing giant doors and stairs befor coming to a section of hall that ended with a door.

Marrow shoved his whole body into the door to open it. I hurried to offer my shoulder as well. It was heavy but not as heavy as Marrow had made it look. Adding my strength helped the door to open easily.

"In." He whispered.

I scurried inside and he followed behind. Turning around to close the giant wooden door.

Dragons Are Demanding (Book 1)CompleteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant