83.) What you expected

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(Cerastes PV)


The banquet is going to last a week and they decided to come two nights early. It was already an unstable time, the rearing females were usually aggressively protective during a hatchlings first few months of life, when a dragonkin is at its weakest.

Having a banquet a month after a hatching was unheard of. What did the top three do to the high lord for him to push up the date this much. Bribery? Threats? The noise outside only became more loud as the horde grew closer. Joyous roars to my ears but what I felt through my arm was anxiety, she believes they are threat. Shes not entirely wrong.

It wasnt just one clan but several who had the same idea. Arrive first. The top three wont be amongst them, to much pride or the belief that they won't need to be first to build connections.

"Did you scratch out the wrong date on the tablets?" Talon asked Cerastes in an irritated tone.

"I wrote the invitations." The high lord asserted from his throne.

Talon shut his mouth.

Surely renovations were finished. There were only so many skilled carpenters and everything took time. Some of the guest dens Cerastes tore out himself destroying what was beyond repair to be removed by humans but crafting furniture and fixtures was not within his ability. Living conditions for guests couldnt be below par it would sabotage negotiations.

Slaves had been pulled from the mines to enter the fortress. Everything had to be cleaned and there werent enough servants to do the job. The high lord Kavern usually sends gifts to the most powerful clans in the form of gems. This allows him to maintain his relationship with other groups, preserve his reputation and, have stable credit when he needs something his territory doesnt offer.  Yet, each year the mines turn out is less and less. All the dragons left in the territory are his own offspring: he has no vassals, no guards, and no females. His territory has been in decline for most of his life span.

I'm sure hes relishing the chance to have the paradigm flipped for a change.

"Dante prepare to greet our guests and take the human to your wing." he said waving us away with a gesture.

(Rowan PV)
Today is a big day. Cerastes is getting dressed upstairs and I'm being strapped in the entry way.
It was the most unusual thing I have ever worn. Shoes that made me taller and were difficult to walk in. A heavy face and head ornament of shiny metal. Finger cuffs of the same shiny metal gave the illusion of claws.

Was this all really necessary? I could just hide behind a blanket. When I was finally dressed the maids had me sit down to wait.

"Dont slouch!" Zin said raising my chin by pushing up the mask. "Today is the little masters big day, everything you do will reflect on him."

I looked at my child who was rolling around naked on the floor. The kids at home would always end up in some manner of undress by the end of the evening but to start that way was unthinkable. What if the guests have a poor opinion of us because we didnt dress in our best clothes?

But apparently it is a custom that the baby be in a state of undress for the judging. Something about being accused of hiding flaws and whatnot. So hes naked and I'm not even recognizable. Nina and Dina stood on both sides to help me stand up. I wobbled in place, the floor is now two feet farther than what I was used to.

"Shoulders back. Chin up." Zin reiterated.

I only have to do this today. I only have to do this today. Do it for Vee, I thought. Everytime Zin spoke these days I became more and more agitated. The sound of her voice was enough to put me on edge.

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