2.) What the Storm Dragged In

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O'lan was so startled that he let out a small shout, and fell sideways from his crouched position. Thistle who had been sleeping in the tent came out quickly, knife in hand.

The man who stood just within sight was not just any man but was obviously a dragonkin and surprisingly heavily wounded. For a moment the three looked at eachother in silence.

O'lan still gobstruck lying on the ground.

Thistle halfway out of the tent, knife out in a defensive crouch which only made her small body look even smaller.

And lastly an exceedingly tall dragonkin: disheveled, bleeding, and only becoming wetter by the minute.

And lastly an exceedingly tall dragonkin: disheveled, bleeding, and only becoming wetter by the minute

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"I require assistance." The male stated, then he proceeded to fall face first to the ground, his bat like wings splayed out at odd angles.

With his collapse, O'lan finally snapped out of his shock. Standing up he took a step closer to the unconscious man and then took two steps back. His arms crossed and his hands were tucked tightly in his arm pits.

"The abyss!" O'lan cursed. He looked at his wife who was no longer crouched but still had a knife in hand. She was scanning the area as far as she could see. O'lan paced back and forth.

"What do we,...what di we do?" He said to himself.

"Bring him in." Thistle ordered her husband with a slight accent, before popping back inside the tent.

O'lan put his hands behind his head. Of course we have to help him, it's the law O'lan thought.  But HOW?!

First off, while the tent was big enough for him and his little wife, this man loomed over him in height.

Hes not going to fit in the tent.

Second off, he was definitely going to be heavy and it's not like his wife would be much help. She was strong for... her size, but lifting this! Ahhh.

Third and MOST IMapORtantly, imagining he could drag this injured unconscious male into the to small tent, the action would require touching him and he didnt like that idea at all.

"Hurry up!" Thistle, demanded, her head popping out of the tent.

Thistle was not the type to demand or yell. It was a suprize as it wasnt a side of his wife that O'lan had seen before.

What a night.

O'lan sighed loudly. Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
This was an emergency, there was only two laws in this territory which was much more lax then most places on the continent.

One was to always pay the lord his due tax, and the other was when a kin ordered a human to do something it was done. Simple enough.

Contact with kin didnt usually happen so to most people there was just the one law to abide by, except for tonight.

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