23.) Picking Up the Pieces

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I was jolted awake by an unfamiliar touch. The pain from the sudden movement radiated through my body.

When I looked up, I felt a second shock.

Father told us about Pyros every year. He gave a list of rules to the people who went out to town and obedience to the kin was always on the list. We offered prayers in thanks to a dragonkin everyday.

Seeing one for the first time was a cause for awe. He had white hair and horns. His slited eyes were the redest of reds. His ears were long and pointed. He was the most amazing creature I had ever seen.

"Hold still." The dragon commanded. He came so close, I thought my heart might beat out of my chest. "Swallow this."

I didnt see what was in his hand but it didnt matter. If he had told me to swallow fire, I would have. It was how I was raised.

I opened my mouth and I guessed he put a rock in from how it felt and I swallowed it down.

I felt heat in my chest and a searing pain all the way down to my finger tips. I cradled my arm to my chest and in an instant the pain was gone. The white glimmer of a marital tattoo formed on my tan skin, in the pattern of scales.

How much shock could my heart take before it stopped beating.

I've forgotten how to breathe. I looked back at the dragon kin crouched before me. Even crouching he was tall. He was flipping his arm back in forth with interest, his tattoo held the same pattern but was red in color.

None of this could be remotely real.

As I thought this, his eyes looked back at me and down to my leg. With a motion almost to fast to see, he pulled out the arrow in my leg. I let out a shrill shriek and covered the wound with my hand.

The pain was very real.

Everything that had happened the night before came crashing back to me. I looked in the direction of the Villiage and saw the charred remains of what used to be my home.

My throat constricted and my stomach dropped. I shook my head in disbelief. This wasnt something that was supposed to happen.
I had to find the others, if I'm alive they could be to. Then Nillas face popped into my head and I felt despair. I grimaced and hot tears burned my eyes. I remembered the way the blade looked as it came out of Ashes neck, and how Birtches body laid at an odd angle.

Even if we rebuild, the world would never be the same again. The tattoo on my arm was a testament to that.

I have to move.
I used the tree next to me to stand but stumbled. My leg threatened to give out. Arms wrapped around me and I was lifted off the ground. My body went rigid as I was carried back towards what remained of my home.

I wanted to protest but my throat hurt to badly to speak. I was dirty and didnt want to burden him.

The distance was far but the dragon kin moved with a wide gate. The way he moved felt like he was jumping with each step rather than walking. He vaulted over the river with ease in the same way a person might step over a pebble.

"My lord?" A voice called out.

I tightened my grip on his clothing. Several men were lying on the ground on their cloaks. All of them were white. With differnt shades and lengths of blond and brown hair. The six other men lying on the ground quickly got to their feet.

All of them were in a state of disarray. Clearly exhausted and their black clothes disheveled and dirty.

"We were not expecting you milord." Said the soldier that had been keeping watch.

"Report." The dragon kin replied.

"We were able to wipe out the rebels but we were not fast enough to prevent them from accomplishing their goal." The man said with his head bowed.

"I assume their goal was to wipe out this tribe?" He asked.

"Yes, sire. It appears that destroying this settlement was their only goal, we ask forgiveness for not being able to prevent them from attacking." The soldier trembled.

It was like my chest had been filled with icy needles, it hurt to breathe.
My thoughts came quickly.
Why had the raiders come? How did they know where we lived? Spruce would not have allowed anyone to follow.

"Did...did anyone survive?" I asked in a hoarse whisper.

The men seemed to not realise I existed untill that moment. Their eyes bulged at the sight of me. I must look like a corpse that came back to life. It's how I felt.

The soldier looked at the dragon kin as if asking permission to respond.

"There were none." He replied.

The pang of finality but believing it was another thing all together. There are so many people in this valley. My people are incredibly strong and blessed. They couldnt all be gone. I know a few died but for certain but not everyone.
These men just didnt know where to look.

That's it!

They didnt know where to look. Everyone must have escaped to the cave.

I squirmed to get down even though it hurt. My feet landing on the hard ground. I did my best to move towards the charred remains of my home.

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