4.) Some Assistance Required

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With the male taking up the majority of the tent, sleeping was non-existent. Not that O'lan could sleep in the first place. He was harboring a half dead lord IN HIS TENT! Another dragon could just drop out of the sky and finish this dragon, him, and his wife in a matter of seconds. If we die at least it'll be quick, he reasoned.

Thistle stayed outside watching: the sky, the valley, and her tent, thinking similiar thoughts.
Whatever hurt the male could definitely do damage to her and her husband. She needed to be ready to run or fight at any moment.

Her outfit was a knee length green tunic that fit like a dress. it had originally been her husbands shirt, Which is why the sleeves were a bit long. Brown breeches underneath, well worn boots, and a leather pack across her body. She had all of her most important items fit snugly to her person.

The mountains looked blue in the distance but the ground beneath her was a sea of green. The wind blew and the river babbled loud enough to hear this far up.

Two days went by with little change. The lord stayed in his coma like sleep and the young couple guarded his body. Taking turns to hunt, and take care of their personal needs.

O'lans clothes looked nearly the same as his wife's only better fitting. Hed given his wife the tunic with the prettiest color hoping it would be some consolation since her clothes were left behind since they would not be usable in the mountains winter season and for weight carrying concerns.


On third day, Pyros awoke and found himself alone in a tent. The smells of humans were strong. Quickly, without raising his body he touched the pouch on his back to make sure its contents were secure.

The crystal was fine but the swift movement caused him pain. He knew that while his legs had healed in his sleep, his wings had healed in their broken shape. Every movement caused a radiating ache to surge through his body.

Pyros briefly cursed the humans for being too stupid to set his wings correctly, but let go of his anger as they were little better than tamed dogs.

Humans could sit, and stay, but asking them to play at being a healer for nobility was beyond them.

He was fortunate he had come upon non combatants to guard his body and his precious cargo while he was comatose. To leave his body defenseless while he was unable to wake from his healing sleep could have been disasterous.

At least the damaged wings would not prevent him from walking, since they had healed while being strapped to his body. He would have his body re-broken and then repaired correctly. Although the thought of it made him nauseous.

He rose up to his full height to quickly and found himself entangled in the fabric of the tent. He let out a sigh of exasperation and cast the cover away. It was going to be a very long day.

When he cast off the tent, which might as well have been a blanket, he saw a human man and his female child looking back at him.

"You're job is done." Pyros stated to the man. He offered no thanks or reward for the trouble he had caused them but they had not expected to be thanked. Before Pyros turned to leave he looked at the child next to the man.

It was not often that he saw coloring similar to his own in humans. The child did not have wings, horns, or a tail like that of the dragon kin but it had been so long since a child of his race had been born that he felt a slight empathy for her.

"The child should not be out here, you should return it to the mountains base for safety." Pyros stated, looking at the man.

O'lan was briefly confused and the emotion showed on his face, before he turned to his wife and the realization set in.

Thistle blushed with embarrassment.

"She is my wife, we intend to live in this area permanently." O'lan replied with a bowed head.

Pyros stared at the child again, humans aged differently than dragons but nothing about her appearance seemed to show maturity.

Then Thistle raised her eyes up to meet his slited ones. A fearless one, for one so small. The dog like husband found a badger like wife, the thought amused Pyros and he grinned.

It was not a pleasant sight for the couple and a shiver went through them both.

"I'll give you a gift. Follow me up this valley, and I will lead you to a land that never floods." -Pyros

"Ttttthat is to much, if you point the way we will find it ourselves! You are already injured and we shouldn't take up your time." O'lan choked out falling to his knees with a bowed head.

"Its on the way, if you are to slow I will leave you behind." Pyros replied briskly.

"Yes sire we will follow, thank you for your kindness" O'lan nearly shouted.

Thistle who had already packed during the storm only needed to fold up the tent that was in a crumpled mess on the ground.

She had begun doing her task as soon as the male had offered the gift. She folded it and strung it together into a rolled pack with the speed that could only come from a life time of practice.

She then placed the packaged tent at her husband's side. Before giving his shoulder a gentle pat pat, as if to wake him.

Feeling his wife's touch O'lan stood up and picked up the pack with determination. The male had already turned and began to lead the way to the place that would be their new home.

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